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# `tf_digitalocean_spoke`
<!-- WARNING: this file is generated -->
This is a terraform module that provisions a
[Spoke]( instance at DigitalOcean.
## Terraform versions
This module is compatible with Terraform version `0.12+`.
## Usage
A typical production deployment that uses `PASSPORT_STRATEGY=auth0`,
`DEFAULT_SERVICE=twilio`, and a direct SMTP connection for email might look like
module "digitalocean_spoke" {
source = ""
server_name = ""
base_url = ""
resource_prefix = "example-spoke-"
region = "nyc1"
ssh_keys = [file("path/to/")]
cert_private_key = file("path/to/cert.key")
cert_certificate = file("path/to/cert.crt")
env = {
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID = "8570285697946a0cc03f8049b9309d7e"
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET = "1194435d32479ef99ed51a0a5f244cd5"
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "b5090d80c82e608a1acd2f59ac366083"
TWILIO_API_KEY = "6babd5fa8226c66406edcce7390675b3"
TWILIO_APPLICATION_SID = "be2d8e141ab5b45287d06ee649c48b82"
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = "17381f485e35f89608b88b45f5a00873"
TWILIO_MESSAGE_SERVICE_SID = "b2b551ca3228aa8d130b5739e1a20cdd"
## Providers
| Name | Version |
| digitalocean | >= 1.14 |
| null | n/a |
| random | n/a |
## Inputs
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| base\_url | Fully qualified https URL of the app | `string` | n/a | yes |
| cert\_certificate | Certificate with leaf and intermediates to pass to nginx | `string` | n/a | yes |
| cert\_private\_key | Certificate key to pass to nginx | `string` | n/a | yes |
| droplet\_size | Size value passed when provisioning app droplet | `string` | `"s-1vcpu-1gb"` | no |
| env | Arbitrary *additional* environment variables passed at build time and run time | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
| node\_env | Value defined at build time and run time as NODE\_ENV | `string` | `"production"` | no |
| node\_options | Value defined at build time and run time as NODE\_OPTIONS | `string` | `"--max_old_space_size=8192"` | no |
| port | TCP port used to communicate between droplet and nginx | `string` | `"3000"` | no |
| region | Region in which all resources will be provisioned | `string` | `"nyc1"` | no |
| resource\_prefix | Prefix prepended to resource names | `string` | `"spoke-"` | no |
| server\_name | Server name used in nginx config | `string` | n/a | yes |
| ssh\_keys | List of ssh public keys to pass to droplet provisioning | `list(string)` | n/a | yes |
## Outputs
| Name | Description |
| droplet\_ipv4\_address | ipv4 address of the droplet |
| droplet\_urn | urn of the droplet suitable for adding to project resources |
| floating\_ip\_address | floating IP address assigned to the droplet suitable for creating a DNS A record |
| floating\_ip\_urn | urn of the floating IP address assigned to the droplet suitable for adding to project resources |