Dan Buch 2ca91434a8
Move genflags tool to cmd/ and pin to previous release
to alleviate problems caused by the circular dependency of using the
same code as a library that is potentially being generated to adhere to
a different API.
2022-10-02 08:50:29 -04:00

43 lines
966 B
Go Template

// WARNING: this file is generated. DO NOT EDIT
package {{.TestPackageName}}
{{range .SortedFlagTypes}}
{{if .GenerateFlagInterface}}
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesFlagInterface(t *testing.T) {
var f {{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}Flag = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
_ = f.IsSet()
_ = f.Names()
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesRequiredFlagInterface(t *testing.T) {
var f {{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}Flag = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
_ = f.IsRequired()
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesVisibleFlagInterface(t *testing.T) {
var f {{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}Flag = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
_ = f.IsVisible()
{{if .GenerateFmtStringerInterface}}
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesFmtStringerInterface(t *testing.T) {
var f fmt.Stringer = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
_ = f.String()
// vim{{/* 👻 */}}:ro