package cli import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) func Test_ShowAppHelp_NoAuthor(t *testing.T) { output := new(bytes.Buffer) app := &App{Writer: output} c := NewContext(app, nil, nil) _ = ShowAppHelp(c) if bytes.Contains(output.Bytes(), []byte("AUTHOR(S):")) { t.Errorf("expected\n%snot to include %s", output.String(), "AUTHOR(S):") } } func Test_ShowAppHelp_NoVersion(t *testing.T) { output := new(bytes.Buffer) app := &App{Writer: output} app.Version = "" c := NewContext(app, nil, nil) _ = ShowAppHelp(c) if bytes.Contains(output.Bytes(), []byte("VERSION:")) { t.Errorf("expected\n%snot to include %s", output.String(), "VERSION:") } } func Test_ShowAppHelp_HideVersion(t *testing.T) { output := new(bytes.Buffer) app := &App{Writer: output} app.HideVersion = true c := NewContext(app, nil, nil) _ = ShowAppHelp(c) if bytes.Contains(output.Bytes(), []byte("VERSION:")) { t.Errorf("expected\n%snot to include %s", output.String(), "VERSION:") } } func Test_ShowAppHelp_MultiLineDescription(t *testing.T) { output := new(bytes.Buffer) app := &App{Writer: output} app.HideVersion = true app.Description = "multi\n line" c := NewContext(app, nil, nil) _ = ShowAppHelp(c) if !bytes.Contains(output.Bytes(), []byte("DESCRIPTION:\n multi\n line")) { t.Errorf("expected\n%s\nto include\n%s", output.String(), "DESCRIPTION:\n multi\n line") } } func Test_Help_Custom_Flags(t *testing.T) { oldFlag := HelpFlag defer func() { HelpFlag = oldFlag }() HelpFlag = &BoolFlag{ Name: "help", Aliases: []string{"x"}, Usage: "show help", } app := App{ Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "foo", Aliases: []string{"h"}}, }, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { if ctx.Bool("h") != true { t.Errorf("custom help flag not set") } return nil }, } output := new(bytes.Buffer) app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"test", "-h"}) if output.Len() > 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected output: %s", output.String()) } } func Test_Version_Custom_Flags(t *testing.T) { oldFlag := VersionFlag defer func() { VersionFlag = oldFlag }() VersionFlag = &BoolFlag{ Name: "version", Aliases: []string{"V"}, Usage: "show version", } app := App{ Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "foo", Aliases: []string{"v"}}, }, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { if ctx.Bool("v") != true { t.Errorf("custom version flag not set") } return nil }, } output := new(bytes.Buffer) app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"test", "-v"}) if output.Len() > 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected output: %s", output.String()) } } func Test_helpCommand_Action_ErrorIfNoTopic(t *testing.T) { app := &App{} set := flag.NewFlagSet("test", 0) _ = set.Parse([]string{"foo"}) c := NewContext(app, set, nil) err := helpCommand.Action(c) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected error from helpCommand.Action(), but got nil") } exitErr, ok := err.(*exitError) if !ok { t.Fatalf("expected *exitError from helpCommand.Action(), but instead got: %v", err.Error()) } if !strings.HasPrefix(exitErr.Error(), "No help topic for") { t.Fatalf("expected an unknown help topic error, but got: %v", exitErr.Error()) } if exitErr.exitCode != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected exit value = 3, got %d instead", exitErr.exitCode) } } func Test_helpCommand_InHelpOutput(t *testing.T) { app := &App{} output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"test", "--help"}) s := output.String() if strings.Contains(s, "\nCOMMANDS:\nGLOBAL OPTIONS:\n") { t.Fatalf("empty COMMANDS section detected: %q", s) } if !strings.Contains(s, "help, h") { t.Fatalf("missing \"help, h\": %q", s) } } func Test_helpSubcommand_Action_ErrorIfNoTopic(t *testing.T) { app := &App{} set := flag.NewFlagSet("test", 0) _ = set.Parse([]string{"foo"}) c := NewContext(app, set, nil) err := helpSubcommand.Action(c) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected error from helpCommand.Action(), but got nil") } exitErr, ok := err.(*exitError) if !ok { t.Fatalf("expected *exitError from helpCommand.Action(), but instead got: %v", err.Error()) } if !strings.HasPrefix(exitErr.Error(), "No help topic for") { t.Fatalf("expected an unknown help topic error, but got: %v", exitErr.Error()) } if exitErr.exitCode != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected exit value = 3, got %d instead", exitErr.exitCode) } } func TestShowAppHelp_CommandAliases(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Aliases: []string{"fr", "frob"}, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "--help"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "frobbly, fr, frob") { t.Errorf("expected output to include all command aliases; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowCommandHelp_HelpPrinter(t *testing.T) { doublecho := func(text string) string { return text + " " + text } tests := []struct { name string template string printer helpPrinter command string wantTemplate string wantOutput string }{ { name: "no-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, command: "", wantTemplate: SubcommandHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "standard-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, command: "my-command", wantTemplate: CommandHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "custom-template-command", template: "{{doublecho .Name}}", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { // Pass a custom function to ensure it gets used fm := map[string]interface{}{"doublecho": doublecho} HelpPrinterCustom(w, templ, data, fm) }, command: "my-command", wantTemplate: "{{doublecho .Name}}", wantOutput: "my-command my-command", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { defer func(old helpPrinter) { HelpPrinter = old }(HelpPrinter) HelpPrinter = func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { if templ != tt.wantTemplate { t.Errorf("want template:\n%s\ngot template:\n%s", tt.wantTemplate, templ) } tt.printer(w, templ, data) } var buf bytes.Buffer app := &App{ Name: "my-app", Writer: &buf, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "my-command", CustomHelpTemplate: tt.template, }, }, } err := app.Run([]string{"my-app", "help", tt.command}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got := buf.String() if got != tt.wantOutput { t.Errorf("want output %q, got %q", tt.wantOutput, got) } }) } } func TestShowCommandHelp_HelpPrinterCustom(t *testing.T) { doublecho := func(text string) string { return text + " " + text } tests := []struct { name string template string printer helpPrinterCustom command string wantTemplate string wantOutput string }{ { name: "no-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, fm map[string]interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, command: "", wantTemplate: SubcommandHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "standard-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, fm map[string]interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, command: "my-command", wantTemplate: CommandHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "custom-template-command", template: "{{doublecho .Name}}", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, _ map[string]interface{}) { // Pass a custom function to ensure it gets used fm := map[string]interface{}{"doublecho": doublecho} printHelpCustom(w, templ, data, fm) }, command: "my-command", wantTemplate: "{{doublecho .Name}}", wantOutput: "my-command my-command", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { defer func(old helpPrinterCustom) { HelpPrinterCustom = old }(HelpPrinterCustom) HelpPrinterCustom = func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, fm map[string]interface{}) { if fm != nil { t.Error("unexpected function map passed") } if templ != tt.wantTemplate { t.Errorf("want template:\n%s\ngot template:\n%s", tt.wantTemplate, templ) } tt.printer(w, templ, data, fm) } var buf bytes.Buffer app := &App{ Name: "my-app", Writer: &buf, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "my-command", CustomHelpTemplate: tt.template, }, }, } err := app.Run([]string{"my-app", "help", tt.command}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got := buf.String() if got != tt.wantOutput { t.Errorf("want output %q, got %q", tt.wantOutput, got) } }) } } func TestShowCommandHelp_CommandAliases(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Aliases: []string{"fr", "frob", "bork"}, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "help", "fr"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "frobbly") { t.Errorf("expected output to include command name; got: %q", output.String()) } if strings.Contains(output.String(), "bork") { t.Errorf("expected output to exclude command aliases; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowSubcommandHelp_CommandAliases(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Aliases: []string{"fr", "frob", "bork"}, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "help"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "frobbly, fr, frob, bork") { t.Errorf("expected output to include all command aliases; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowCommandHelp_Customtemplate(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, HelpName: "foo frobbly", CustomHelpTemplate: `NAME: {{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}} USAGE: {{.HelpName}} [FLAGS] TARGET [TARGET ...] FLAGS: {{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}} {{end}} EXAMPLES: 1. Frobbly runs with this param locally. $ {{.HelpName}} wobbly `, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "help", "frobbly"}) if strings.Contains(output.String(), "2. Frobbly runs without this param locally.") { t.Errorf("expected output to exclude \"2. Frobbly runs without this param locally.\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "1. Frobbly runs with this param locally.") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"1. Frobbly runs with this param locally.\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "$ foo frobbly wobbly") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"$ foo frobbly wobbly\"; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowSubcommandHelp_CommandUsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", UsageText: "this is usage text", }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "frobbly", "--help"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "this is usage text") { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowSubcommandHelp_MultiLine_CommandUsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", UsageText: `This is a multi line UsageText`, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "frobbly", "--help"}) expected := `USAGE: This is a multi line UsageText ` if !strings.Contains(output.String(), expected) { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowSubcommandHelp_SubcommandUsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Subcommands: []*Command{ { Name: "bobbly", UsageText: "this is usage text", }, }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "frobbly", "bobbly", "--help"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "this is usage text") { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowSubcommandHelp_MultiLine_SubcommandUsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Subcommands: []*Command{ { Name: "bobbly", UsageText: `This is a multi line UsageText`, }, }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo", "frobbly", "bobbly", "--help"}) expected := `USAGE: This is a multi line UsageText ` if !strings.Contains(output.String(), expected) { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowAppHelp_HiddenCommand(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, { Name: "secretfrob", Hidden: true, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"app", "--help"}) if strings.Contains(output.String(), "secretfrob") { t.Errorf("expected output to exclude \"secretfrob\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "frobbly") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"frobbly\"; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowAppHelp_HelpPrinter(t *testing.T) { doublecho := func(text string) string { return text + " " + text } tests := []struct { name string template string printer helpPrinter wantTemplate string wantOutput string }{ { name: "standard-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, wantTemplate: AppHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "custom-template-command", template: "{{doublecho .Name}}", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { // Pass a custom function to ensure it gets used fm := map[string]interface{}{"doublecho": doublecho} printHelpCustom(w, templ, data, fm) }, wantTemplate: "{{doublecho .Name}}", wantOutput: "my-app my-app", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { defer func(old helpPrinter) { HelpPrinter = old }(HelpPrinter) HelpPrinter = func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) { if templ != tt.wantTemplate { t.Errorf("want template:\n%s\ngot template:\n%s", tt.wantTemplate, templ) } tt.printer(w, templ, data) } var buf bytes.Buffer app := &App{ Name: "my-app", Writer: &buf, CustomAppHelpTemplate: tt.template, } err := app.Run([]string{"my-app", "help"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got := buf.String() if got != tt.wantOutput { t.Errorf("want output %q, got %q", tt.wantOutput, got) } }) } } func TestShowAppHelp_HelpPrinterCustom(t *testing.T) { doublecho := func(text string) string { return text + " " + text } tests := []struct { name string template string printer helpPrinterCustom wantTemplate string wantOutput string }{ { name: "standard-command", template: "", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, fm map[string]interface{}) { fmt.Fprint(w, "yo") }, wantTemplate: AppHelpTemplate, wantOutput: "yo", }, { name: "custom-template-command", template: "{{doublecho .Name}}", printer: func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, _ map[string]interface{}) { // Pass a custom function to ensure it gets used fm := map[string]interface{}{"doublecho": doublecho} printHelpCustom(w, templ, data, fm) }, wantTemplate: "{{doublecho .Name}}", wantOutput: "my-app my-app", }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { defer func(old helpPrinterCustom) { HelpPrinterCustom = old }(HelpPrinterCustom) HelpPrinterCustom = func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}, fm map[string]interface{}) { if fm != nil { t.Error("unexpected function map passed") } if templ != tt.wantTemplate { t.Errorf("want template:\n%s\ngot template:\n%s", tt.wantTemplate, templ) } tt.printer(w, templ, data, fm) } var buf bytes.Buffer app := &App{ Name: "my-app", Writer: &buf, CustomAppHelpTemplate: tt.template, } err := app.Run([]string{"my-app", "help"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got := buf.String() if got != tt.wantOutput { t.Errorf("want output %q, got %q", tt.wantOutput, got) } }) } } func TestShowAppHelp_CustomAppTemplate(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, { Name: "secretfrob", Hidden: true, Action: func(ctx *Context) error { return nil }, }, }, ExtraInfo: func() map[string]string { platform := fmt.Sprintf("OS: %s | Arch: %s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) goruntime := fmt.Sprintf("Version: %s | CPUs: %d", runtime.Version(), runtime.NumCPU()) return map[string]string{ "PLATFORM": platform, "RUNTIME": goruntime, } }, CustomAppHelpTemplate: `NAME: {{.Name}} - {{.Usage}} USAGE: {{.Name}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS] {{end}}COMMAND{{if .VisibleFlags}} [COMMAND FLAGS | -h]{{end}} [ARGUMENTS...] COMMANDS: {{range .VisibleCommands}}{{join .Names ", "}}{{ "\t" }}{{.Usage}} {{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}} GLOBAL FLAGS: {{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}} {{end}}{{end}} VERSION: 2.0.0 {{"\n"}}{{range $key, $value := ExtraInfo}} {{$key}}: {{$value}} {{end}}`, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"app", "--help"}) if strings.Contains(output.String(), "secretfrob") { t.Errorf("expected output to exclude \"secretfrob\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "frobbly") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"frobbly\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "PLATFORM:") || !strings.Contains(output.String(), "OS:") || !strings.Contains(output.String(), "Arch:") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"PLATFORM:, OS: and Arch:\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "RUNTIME:") || !strings.Contains(output.String(), "Version:") || !strings.Contains(output.String(), "CPUs:") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"RUNTIME:, Version: and CPUs:\"; got: %q", output.String()) } if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "VERSION:") || !strings.Contains(output.String(), "2.0.0") { t.Errorf("expected output to include \"VERSION:, 2.0.0\"; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowAppHelp_UsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ UsageText: "This is a sinlge line of UsageText", Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo"}) if !strings.Contains(output.String(), "This is a sinlge line of UsageText") { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestShowAppHelp_MultiLine_UsageText(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ UsageText: `This is a multi line App UsageText`, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "frobbly", }, }, } output := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Writer = output _ = app.Run([]string{"foo"}) expected := `USAGE: This is a multi line App UsageText ` if !strings.Contains(output.String(), expected) { t.Errorf("expected output to include usage text; got: %q", output.String()) } } func TestHideHelpCommand(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ HideHelpCommand: true, Writer: ioutil.Discard, } err := app.Run([]string{"foo", "help"}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected a non-nil error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No help topic for 'help'") { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.Run([]string{"foo", "--help"}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func TestHideHelpCommand_False(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ HideHelpCommand: false, Writer: ioutil.Discard, } err := app.Run([]string{"foo", "help"}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.Run([]string{"foo", "--help"}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func TestHideHelpCommand_WithHideHelp(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ HideHelp: true, // effective (hides both command and flag) HideHelpCommand: true, // ignored Writer: ioutil.Discard, } err := app.Run([]string{"foo", "help"}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected a non-nil error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No help topic for 'help'") { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.Run([]string{"foo", "--help"}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected a non-nil error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "flag: help requested") { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func newContextFromStringSlice(ss []string) *Context { set := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError) _ = set.Parse(ss) return &Context{flagSet: set} } func TestHideHelpCommand_RunAsSubcommand(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ HideHelpCommand: true, Writer: ioutil.Discard, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "dummy", }, }, } err := app.RunAsSubcommand(newContextFromStringSlice([]string{"", "help"})) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected a non-nil error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No help topic for 'help'") { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.RunAsSubcommand(newContextFromStringSlice([]string{"", "--help"})) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func TestHideHelpCommand_RunAsSubcommand_False(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ HideHelpCommand: false, Writer: ioutil.Discard, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "dummy", }, }, } err := app.RunAsSubcommand(newContextFromStringSlice([]string{"", "help"})) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.RunAsSubcommand(newContextFromStringSlice([]string{"", "--help"})) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func TestHideHelpCommand_WithSubcommands(t *testing.T) { app := &App{ Writer: ioutil.Discard, Commands: []*Command{ { Name: "dummy", Subcommands: []*Command{ { Name: "dummy2", }, }, HideHelpCommand: true, }, }, } err := app.Run([]string{"foo", "dummy", "help"}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected a non-nil error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No help topic for 'help'") { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } err = app.Run([]string{"foo", "dummy", "--help"}) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Run returned unexpected error: %v", err) } } func TestDefaultCompleteWithFlags(t *testing.T) { origEnv := os.Environ() origArgv := os.Args t.Cleanup(func() { os.Args = origArgv resetEnv(origEnv) }) os.Setenv("SHELL", "bash") for _, tc := range []struct { name string c *Context cmd *Command argv []string expected string }{ { name: "empty", c: &Context{App: &App{}}, cmd: &Command{}, argv: []string{"prog", "cmd"}, expected: "", }, { name: "typical-flag-suggestion", c: &Context{App: &App{ Name: "cmd", Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "happiness"}, &Int64Flag{Name: "everybody-jump-on"}, }, Commands: []*Command{ {Name: "putz"}, }, }}, cmd: &Command{ Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "excitement"}, &StringFlag{Name: "hat-shape"}, }, }, argv: []string{"cmd", "--e", "--generate-bash-completion"}, expected: "--excitement\n", }, { name: "typical-command-suggestion", c: &Context{App: &App{ Name: "cmd", Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "happiness"}, &Int64Flag{Name: "everybody-jump-on"}, }, }}, cmd: &Command{ Name: "putz", Subcommands: []*Command{ {Name: "futz"}, }, Flags: []Flag{ &BoolFlag{Name: "excitement"}, &StringFlag{Name: "hat-shape"}, }, }, argv: []string{"cmd", "--generate-bash-completion"}, expected: "futz\n", }, } { t.Run(, func(ct *testing.T) { writer := &bytes.Buffer{} tc.c.App.Writer = writer os.Args = tc.argv f := DefaultCompleteWithFlags(tc.cmd) f(tc.c) written := writer.String() if written != tc.expected { ct.Errorf("written help does not match expected %q != %q", written, tc.expected) } }) } }