@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# NOTE: this Makefile is meant to provide a simplified entry point for humans to
# run all of the critical steps to verify one's changes are harmonious in
# nature. Keeping target bodies to one line each and abstaining from make magic
# are very important so that maintainers and contributors can focus their
# attention on files that are primarily Go.
.PHONY: all
all: generate lint tag-test test check-bin tag-check-bin gfmrun toc
.PHONY: generate
go run internal/build/build.go generate
.PHONY: lint
go run internal/build/build.go vet
.PHONY: tag-test
go run internal/build/build.go -tags urfave_cli_no_docs test
.PHONY: test
go run internal/build/build.go test
.PHONY: check-bin
go run internal/build/build.go check-binary-size
.PHONY: tag-check-bin
go run internal/build/build.go -tags urfave_cli_no_docs check-binary-size
.PHONY: gfmrun
go run internal/build/build.go gfmrun docs/v2/
.PHONY: toc
go run internal/build/build.go toc docs/v2/
@ -1,18 +1,102 @@
## Contributing
Use @urfave/cli to ping the maintainers.
Feel free to put up a pull request to fix a bug or maybe add a feature. We will
give it a code review and make sure that it does not break backwards
compatibility. If collaborators agree that it is in line with
the vision of the project, we will work with you to get the code into
a mergeable state and merge it into the main branch.
If you have contributed something significant to the project, we will most
likely add you as a collaborator. As a collaborator you are given the ability
to merge others pull requests. It is very important that new code does not
break existing code, so be careful about what code you do choose to merge.
If you feel like you have contributed to the project but have not yet been added
as a collaborator, we probably forgot to add you :sweat_smile:. Please open an
Welcome to the `urfave/cli` contributor docs! This goal of this document is to help those
interested in joining the 200+ humans who have contributed to this project over the years.
> As a general guiding principle, the current maintainers may be notified via the
> @urfave/cli GitHub team.
All of the current maintainers are *volunteers* who live in various timezones with
different scheduling needs, so please understand that your contribution or question may
not get a response for many days.
### semantic versioning adherence
The `urfave/cli` project strives to strictly adhere to semantic versioning. The active
development branches and the milestones and import paths to which they correspond are:
#### `main` branch
The majority of active development and issue management is targeting the `main` branch,
which **MUST** *only* receive bug fixes and feature *additions*.
- :arrow_right: [`v2.x`](
- :arrow_right: ``
#### `v1` branch
The `v1` branch **MUST** only receive bug fixes in the `v1.22.x` series. There is no
strict rule regarding bug fixes to the `v2.x` series being backported to the `v1.22.x`
- :arrow_right: [`v1.22.x`](
- :arrow_right: ``
#### `v3-dev-main` branch
The `v3-dev-branch` **MUST** receive all bug fixes and features added to the `main` branch
and **MAY** receive feature *removals* and other changes that are otherwise
*backward-incompatible* with the `v2.x` series.
- :arrow_right: [`v3.x`](
- unreleased / unsupported
### development workflow
Most of the tooling around the development workflow strives for effective
[dogfooding]( There is a top-level
`Makefile` that is maintained strictly for the purpose of easing verification of one's
development environment and any changes one may have introduced:
Running the default `make` target (`all`) will ensure all of the critical steps are run to
verify one's changes are harmonious in nature. The same steps are also run during the
[continuous integration
#### generated code
A significant portion of the project's source code is generated, with the goal being to
eliminate repetetive maintenance where other type-safe abstraction is impractical or
impossible with Go versions `< 1.18`. In a future where the eldest Go version supported is
`1.18.x`, there will likely be efforts to take advantage of
The built-in `go generate` command is used to run the commands specified in
`//go:generate` directives. Each such command runs a file that also supports a command
line help system which may be consulted for further information, e.g.:
go run internal/genflags/cmd/genflags/main.go --help
### pull requests
Please feel free to open a pull request to fix a bug or add a feature. The @urfave/cli
team will review it as soon as possible, giving special attention to maintaining backward
compatibility. If the @urfave/cli team agrees that your contribution is in line with the
vision of the project, they will work with you to get the code into a mergeable state,
merged, and then released.
### granting of commit bit / admin mode
Those with a history of contributing to this project will likely be invited to join the
@urfave/cli team. As a member of the @urfave/cli team, you will have the ability to fully
administer pull requests, issues, and other repository bits.
If you feel that you should be a member of the @urfave/cli team but have not yet been
added, the most likely explanation is that this is an accidental oversight! :sweat_smile:.
Please open an issue!
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# NOTE: this file is used by the tool defined in
# ./internal/genflags/cmd/genflags/main.go which uses the
# `genflags.Spec` type that maps to this file structure.
bool: {}
float64: {}
int64: {}
int: {}
time.Duration: {}
uint64: {}
uint: {}
- { name: TakesFile, type: bool }
- { name: TakesFile, type: bool }
- { name: TakesFile, type: bool }
value_pointer: true
- fmt.Stringer
value_pointer: true
- fmt.Stringer
value_pointer: true
- fmt.Stringer
value_pointer: true
- fmt.Stringer
- { name: TakesFile, type: bool }
value_pointer: true
- { name: Layout, type: string }
# TODO: enable UintSlice
# UintSlice: {}
# TODO: enable Uint64Slice once #1334 lands
# Uint64Slice: {}
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
package main
import (
_ "embed"
const (
defaultPackageName = "cli"
func sh(ctx context.Context, exe string, args ...string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, exe, args...)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
outBytes, err := cmd.Output()
return string(outBytes), err
func main() {
ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer stop()
top := "../../"
if v, err := sh(ctx, "git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"); err == nil {
top = strings.TrimSpace(v)
app := &cli.App{
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "flag-spec-yaml",
Aliases: []string{"f"},
Value: filepath.Join(top, "flag-spec.yaml"),
Name: "generated-output",
Aliases: []string{"o"},
Value: filepath.Join(top, "zz_generated.flags.go"),
Name: "generated-test-output",
Aliases: []string{"t"},
Value: filepath.Join(top, "zz_generated.flags_test.go"),
Name: "generated-package-name",
Aliases: []string{"p"},
Value: defaultPackageName,
Name: "generated-test-package-name",
Aliases: []string{"T"},
Value: defaultPackageName + "_test",
Name: "urfave-cli-namespace",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
Value: "",
Name: "urfave-cli-test-namespace",
Aliases: []string{"N"},
Value: "cli.",
Action: runGenFlags,
if err := app.RunContext(ctx, os.Args); err != nil {
func runGenFlags(cCtx *cli.Context) error {
specBytes, err := os.ReadFile(cCtx.Path("flag-spec-yaml"))
if err != nil {
return err
spec := &genflags.Spec{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(specBytes, spec); err != nil {
return err
if cCtx.IsSet("generated-package-name") {
spec.PackageName = strings.TrimSpace(cCtx.String("generated-package-name"))
if strings.TrimSpace(spec.PackageName) == "" {
spec.PackageName = defaultPackageName
if cCtx.IsSet("generated-test-package-name") {
spec.TestPackageName = strings.TrimSpace(cCtx.String("generated-test-package-name"))
if strings.TrimSpace(spec.TestPackageName) == "" {
spec.TestPackageName = defaultPackageName + "_test"
if cCtx.IsSet("urfave-cli-namespace") {
spec.UrfaveCLINamespace = strings.TrimSpace(cCtx.String("urfave-cli-namespace"))
if cCtx.IsSet("urfave-cli-test-namespace") {
spec.UrfaveCLITestNamespace = strings.TrimSpace(cCtx.String("urfave-cli-test-namespace"))
} else {
spec.UrfaveCLITestNamespace = "cli."
genTmpl, err := template.New("gen").Parse(genflags.TemplateString)
if err != nil {
return err
genTestTmpl, err := template.New("gen_test").Parse(genflags.TestTemplateString)
if err != nil {
return err
genBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := genTmpl.Execute(genBuf, spec); err != nil {
return err
genTestBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := genTestTmpl.Execute(genTestBuf, spec); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.WriteFile(cCtx.Path("generated-output"), genBuf.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.WriteFile(cCtx.Path("generated-test-output"), genTestBuf.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := sh(cCtx.Context, "goimports", "-w", cCtx.Path("generated-output")); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := sh(cCtx.Context, "goimports", "-w", cCtx.Path("generated-test-output")); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// WARNING: this file is generated. DO NOT EDIT
package {{.PackageName}}
{{range .SortedFlagTypes}}
// {{.TypeName}} is a flag with type {{.GoType}}
type {{.TypeName}} struct {
Name string
DefaultText string
FilePath string
Usage string
Required bool
Hidden bool
HasBeenSet bool
Value {{if .ValuePointer}}*{{end}}{{.GoType}}
Destination *{{.GoType}}
Aliases []string
EnvVars []string
{{range .StructFields}}
{{.Name}} {{.Type}}
{{if .GenerateFmtStringerInterface}}
// String returns a readable representation of this value (for usage defaults)
func (f *{{.TypeName}}) String() string {
return {{$.UrfaveCLINamespace}}FlagStringer(f)
{{if .GenerateFlagInterface}}
// IsSet returns whether or not the flag has been set through env or file
func (f *{{.TypeName}}) IsSet() bool {
return f.HasBeenSet
// Names returns the names of the flag
func (f *{{.TypeName}}) Names() []string {
return {{$.UrfaveCLINamespace}}FlagNames(f.Name, f.Aliases)
{{end}}{{/* /if .GenerateFlagInterface */}}
{{end}}{{/* /range .SortedFlagTypes */}}
// vim{{/* ๐ป */}}:ro
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// WARNING: this file is generated. DO NOT EDIT
package {{.TestPackageName}}
{{range .SortedFlagTypes}}
{{if .GenerateFlagInterface}}
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesFlagInterface(t *testing.T) {
var _ {{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}Flag = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
{{if .GenerateFmtStringerInterface}}
func Test{{.TypeName}}_SatisfiesFmtStringerInterface(t *testing.T) {
var _ fmt.Stringer = &{{$.UrfaveCLITestNamespace}}{{.TypeName}}{}
// vim{{/* ๐ป */}}:ro
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package genflags
import (
_ "embed"
var (
//go:embed generated.gotmpl
TemplateString string
//go:embed generated_test.gotmpl
TestTemplateString string
titler = cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower)
func TypeName(goType string, fc *FlagTypeConfig) string {
if fc != nil && strings.TrimSpace(fc.TypeName) != "" {
return strings.TrimSpace(fc.TypeName)
dotSplit := strings.Split(goType, ".")
goType = dotSplit[len(dotSplit)-1]
if strings.HasPrefix(goType, "[]") {
return titler.String(strings.TrimPrefix(goType, "[]")) + "SliceFlag"
return titler.String(goType) + "Flag"
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package genflags_test
import (
func TestTypeName(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
gt string
fc *genflags.FlagTypeConfig
expected string
{gt: "int", fc: nil, expected: "IntFlag"},
{gt: "int", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{}, expected: "IntFlag"},
{gt: "int", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{TypeName: "VeryIntyFlag"}, expected: "VeryIntyFlag"},
{gt: "[]bool", fc: nil, expected: "BoolSliceFlag"},
{gt: "[]bool", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{}, expected: "BoolSliceFlag"},
{gt: "[]bool", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{TypeName: "ManyTruthsFlag"}, expected: "ManyTruthsFlag"},
{gt: "time.Rumination", fc: nil, expected: "RuminationFlag"},
{gt: "time.Rumination", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{}, expected: "RuminationFlag"},
{gt: "time.Rumination", fc: &genflags.FlagTypeConfig{TypeName: "PonderFlag"}, expected: "PonderFlag"},
} {
fmt.Sprintf("type=%s,cfg=%v",, func() string {
if tc.fc != nil {
return tc.fc.TypeName
return "nil"
func(ct *testing.T) {
actual := genflags.TypeName(, tc.fc)
if tc.expected != actual {
ct.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", tc.expected, actual)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package genflags
import (
type Spec struct {
FlagTypes map[string]*FlagTypeConfig `yaml:"flag_types"`
PackageName string `yaml:"package_name"`
TestPackageName string `yaml:"test_package_name"`
UrfaveCLINamespace string `yaml:"urfave_cli_namespace"`
UrfaveCLITestNamespace string `yaml:"urfave_cli_test_namespace"`
func (gfs *Spec) SortedFlagTypes() []*FlagType {
typeNames := []string{}
for name := range gfs.FlagTypes {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "[]") {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "[]") + "Slice"
typeNames = append(typeNames, name)
ret := make([]*FlagType, len(typeNames))
for i, typeName := range typeNames {
ret[i] = &FlagType{
GoType: typeName,
Config: gfs.FlagTypes[typeName],
return ret
type FlagTypeConfig struct {
SkipInterfaces []string `yaml:"skip_interfaces"`
StructFields []*FlagStructField `yaml:"struct_fields"`
TypeName string `yaml:"type_name"`
ValuePointer bool `yaml:"value_pointer"`
type FlagStructField struct {
Name string
Type string
type FlagType struct {
GoType string
Config *FlagTypeConfig
func (ft *FlagType) StructFields() []*FlagStructField {