short opt handling: fix parsing

Only split a given string (e.g., "-abc") into short options (e.g., "-a",
"-b", "-c") if all those are flags.  To further avoid mistakenly
transform common arguments, catch "flag provided but not defined" errors
to iteratively transform short options.

Signed-off-by: Valentin Rothberg <>
Valentin Rothberg 6 years ago
parent 8e01ec4cd3
commit c23dfba701

@ -181,16 +181,49 @@ func (c *Command) parseFlags(args Args) (*flag.FlagSet, error) {
return set, set.Parse(append([]string{"--"}, args...))
if c.UseShortOptionHandling {
args = translateShortOptions(args)
if !c.SkipArgReorder {
args = reorderArgs(args)
err = set.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
if c.UseShortOptionHandling {
// To enable short-option handling (e.g., "-it" vs "-i -t")
// we have to iteratively catch parsing errors. This way
// we achieve LR parsing without transforming any arguments.
// Otherwise, there is no way we can discriminate combined
// short options from common arguments that should be left
// untouched.
errStr := err.Error()
trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(errStr, "flag provided but not defined: ")
if errStr == trimmed {
return nil, err
// regenerate the initial args with the split short opts
newArgs := Args{}
for i, arg := range args {
if arg != trimmed {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
shortOpts := translateShortOptions(set, Args{trimmed})
if len(shortOpts) == 1 {
return nil, err
// add each short option and all remaining arguments
newArgs = append(newArgs, shortOpts...)
newArgs = append(newArgs, args[i+1:]...)
args = newArgs
// now reset the flagset parse again
set, err = flagSet(c.Name, c.Flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goto PARSE
return nil, err
@ -232,11 +265,25 @@ func reorderArgs(args []string) []string {
return append(flags, nonflags...)
func translateShortOptions(flagArgs Args) []string {
func translateShortOptions(set *flag.FlagSet, flagArgs Args) []string {
allCharsFlags := func (s string) bool {
for i := range s {
f := set.Lookup(string(s[i]))
if f == nil {
return false
return true
// separate combined flags
var flagArgsSeparated []string
for _, flagArg := range flagArgs {
if strings.HasPrefix(flagArg, "-") && strings.HasPrefix(flagArg, "--") == false && len(flagArg) > 2 {
if !allCharsFlags(flagArg[1:]) {
flagArgsSeparated = append(flagArgsSeparated, flagArg)
for _, flagChar := range flagArg[1:] {
flagArgsSeparated = append(flagArgsSeparated, "-"+string(flagChar))

@ -57,6 +57,52 @@ func TestCommandFlagParsing(t *testing.T) {
func TestParseAndRunShortOpts(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
testArgs []string
expectedErr error
expectedArgs []string
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-a"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-c", "arg1", "arg2"}, nil, []string{"arg1", "arg2"}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-f"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-ac", "--fgh"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-af"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-cf"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-acf"}, nil, []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-invalid"}, errors.New("flag provided but not defined: -invalid"), []string{}},
{[]string{"foo", "test", "-acf", "arg1", "-invalid"}, nil, []string{"arg1" ,"-invalid"}},
var args []string
cmd := Command{
Name: "test",
Usage: "this is for testing",
Description: "testing",
Action: func(c *Context) error {
args = c.Args()
return nil
SkipArgReorder: true,
UseShortOptionHandling: true,
Flags: []Flag{
BoolFlag{Name: "abc, a"},
BoolFlag{Name: "cde, c"},
BoolFlag{Name: "fgh, f"},
for _, c := range cases {
app := NewApp()
app.Commands = []Command{cmd}
err := app.Run(c.testArgs)
expect(t, err, c.expectedErr)
expect(t, args, c.expectedArgs)
func TestCommand_Run_DoesNotOverwriteErrorFromBefore(t *testing.T) {
app := NewApp()
app.Commands = []Command{
