terraform { required_providers { digitalocean = ">= 1.14" } } variable "server_name" { description = "Server name used in nginx config" } variable "base_url" { description = "Fully qualified https URL of the app" } variable "resource_prefix" { description = "Prefix prepended to resource names" default = "spoke-" } variable "node_options" { description = "Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_OPTIONS" default = "--max_old_space_size=8192" } variable "node_env" { description = "Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_ENV" default = "production" } variable "port" { description = "TCP port used to communicate between droplet and nginx" default = "3000" } variable "droplet_size" { description = "Size value passed when provisioning app droplet" default = "s-1vcpu-1gb" } variable "region" { description = "Region in which all resources will be provisioned" default = "nyc1" } variable "ssh_keys" { type = list description = "List of ssh public keys to pass to droplet provisioning" } variable "cert_private_key" { description = "Certificate key to pass to nginx" } variable "cert_certificate" { description = "Certificate with leaf and intermediates to pass to nginx" } variable "env" { type = map description = "Arbitrary *additional* environment variables passed at build time and run time" default = {} } resource "digitalocean_ssh_key" "app" { count = length(var.ssh_keys) name = "${var.resource_prefix}app-${count.index}" public_key = element(var.ssh_keys, count.index) } resource "digitalocean_droplet" "app" { image = "ubuntu-18-04-x64" name = "${var.resource_prefix}app" region = var.region size = var.droplet_size ssh_keys = digitalocean_ssh_key.app[*].id } resource "digitalocean_floating_ip" "app" { droplet_id = digitalocean_droplet.app.id region = digitalocean_droplet.app.region } resource "digitalocean_firewall" "app" { name = "pghdsa-spoke-app" droplet_ids = [digitalocean_droplet.app.id] dynamic "inbound_rule" { for_each = ["22", "80", "443"] content { protocol = "tcp" port_range = inbound_rule.value source_addresses = ["", "::/0"] } } inbound_rule { protocol = "icmp" source_addresses = ["", "::/0"] } dynamic "outbound_rule" { for_each = ["tcp", "udp"] content { protocol = outbound_rule.value port_range = "1-65535" destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"] } } outbound_rule { protocol = "icmp" destination_addresses = ["", "::/0"] } } resource "random_string" "session_secret" { length = 199 special = false } resource "random_string" "pg_password" { length = 31 } locals { env_map = merge({ ASSETS_MAP_FILE = "assets.json", ASSETS_DIR = "./build/client/assets", BASE_URL = var.base_url, DATABASE_URL = "postgres://spoke:${random_string.pg_password.result}@", DB_HOST = "localhost", DB_NAME = "spoke", DB_PASSWORD = random_string.pg_password.result, DB_PORT = "5432", DB_TYPE = "pg", DB_USER = "spoke", DB_USE_SSL = "true", JOBS_SAME_PROCESS = "1", NODE_ENV = var.node_env, NODE_OPTIONS = var.node_options, OUTPUT_DIR = "./build", PORT = var.port, REDIS_URL = "redis://", SESSION_SECRET = random_string.session_secret.result, }, var.env) } resource "null_resource" "app_provision" { triggers = { droplet_id = digitalocean_droplet.app.id provision_script_sha1 = filesha1("${path.module}/spoke-app-provision") run_script_sha1 = filesha1("${path.module}/spoke-app-run") service_sha1 = filesha1("${path.module}/spoke.service") env_sha1 = sha1(join(";", [ jsonencode(var.env), random_string.session_secret.result, var.base_url, var.node_env, var.node_options, var.port, ])) } connection { host = digitalocean_droplet.app.ipv4_address } provisioner "file" { source = "${path.module}/spoke-app-provision" destination = "/tmp/spoke-app-provision" } provisioner "file" { source = "${path.module}/spoke-app-run" destination = "/tmp/spoke-app-run" } provisioner "file" { content = templatefile("${path.module}/nginx-sites-default.conf.tpl", { server_name = var.server_name, port = var.port, }) destination = "/tmp/nginx-sites-default.conf" } provisioner "file" { content = var.cert_certificate destination = "/tmp/spoke.crt" } provisioner "file" { content = var.cert_private_key destination = "/tmp/spoke.key" } provisioner "file" { content = <<-ENV_TMPL %{for key, value in local.env_map~} ${key}='${value}' %{endfor~} ENV_TMPL destination = "/tmp/app.env" } provisioner "file" { source = "${path.module}/spoke.service" destination = "/tmp/spoke.service" } provisioner "remote-exec" { inline = [ "bash /tmp/spoke-app-provision system0", "sudo -H -u spoke bash /tmp/spoke-app-provision spoke0", "bash /tmp/spoke-app-provision system1", ] } } output "droplet_urn" { value = digitalocean_droplet.app.urn } output "droplet_ipv4_address" { value = digitalocean_droplet.app.ipv4_address } output "floating_ip_address" { value = digitalocean_floating_ip.app.ip_address } output "floating_ip_urn" { value = digitalocean_floating_ip.app.urn }