variable "base_url" { description = "Fully qualified https URL of the app" } variable "resource_prefix" { description = "Prefix prepended to resource names" default = "spoke-" } variable "node_options" { description = "Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_OPTIONS" default = "--max_old_space_size=8192" } variable "node_env" { description = "Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_ENV" default = "production" } variable "port" { description = "TCP port used to communicate between droplet and load balancer" default = "3000" } variable "droplet_size" { description = "Size value passed when provisioning app droplet" default = "s-1vcpu-1gb" } variable "database_cluster_size" { description = "Size value passed when provisioning database cluster" default = "db-s-1vcpu-1gb" } variable "database_cluster_node_count" { default = 1 } variable "region" { description = "Region at which all resources will be provisioned" default = "nyc1" } variable "ssh_keys" { type = "list" description = "List of ssh public keys to pass to droplet provisioning" } variable "cert_private_key" { description = "Certificate key to use when defining th cert used with the load balancer" } variable "cert_leaf_certificate" { description = "Leaf certificate to use when defining the cert used with the load balancer" } variable "env" { type = "map" description = "Arbitrary *additional* environment variables passed at build time and run time" default = {} }