@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* # # Terraform versions
* This module is compatible with Terraform version ` 0 . 1 2 + ` .
* This module is compatible with Terraform version ` 0 . 1 3 + ` .
* # # Usage
@ -52,91 +52,97 @@
terraform {
required_providers {
digitalocean = " >= 1. 14 "
digitalocean = " >= 1. 22 "
variable " server_name " {
variable server_name {
description = " Server name used in nginx config "
type = string
variable " base_url " {
variable base_url {
description = " Fully qualified https URL of the app "
type = string
variable " resource_prefix " {
variable resource_prefix {
description = " Prefix prepended to resource names "
default = " spoke- "
type = string
variable " node_options " {
variable node_options {
description = " Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_OPTIONS "
default = " --max_old_space_size=8192 "
type = string
variable " node_env " {
variable node_env {
description = " Value defined at build time and run time as NODE_ENV "
default = " production "
type = string
variable " port " {
variable port {
description = " TCP port used to communicate between droplet and nginx "
default = " 3000 "
type = string
variable " droplet_size " {
variable droplet_image {
description = " Image to use when provisioning app droplet "
default = " ubuntu-20-04-x64 "
type = string
variable droplet_size {
description = " Size value passed when provisioning app droplet "
default = " s-1vcpu-1gb "
type = string
variable " region " {
variable region {
description = " Region in which all resources will be provisioned "
default = " nyc1 "
type = string
variable " spoke_version " {
variable spoke_version {
description = " Git ref of MoveOnOrg/Spoke to deploy "
default = " v 5.2 "
default = " v 8.0 "
type = string
variable " ssh_keys " {
variable ssh_keys {
type = list ( string )
description = " List of ssh public keys to pass to droplet provisioning "
variable " cert_private_key " {
variable cert_private_key {
description = " Certificate key to pass to nginx "
type = string
variable " cert_certificate " {
variable cert_certificate {
description = " Certificate with leaf and intermediates to pass to nginx "
type = string
variable " env " {
variable env {
description = " Arbitrary *additional* environment variables passed at build time and run time "
default = { }
type = map ( string )
resource " digitalocean_ssh_key " " app " {
resource digitalocean_ssh_key app {
count = length ( var . ssh_keys )
name = " ${ var . resource_prefix } app- ${ count . index } "
public_key = element ( var . ssh_keys , count . index )
resource " digitalocean_droplet " " app " {
image = " ubuntu-18-04-x64 "
resource digitalocean_droplet app {
image = var . droplet_image
name = " ${ var . resource_prefix } app "
region = var . region
size = var . droplet_size
@ -144,17 +150,17 @@ resource "digitalocean_droplet" "app" {
ssh_keys = digitalocean_ssh_key . app [ * ] . id
resource " digitalocean_floating_ip " " app " {
resource digitalocean_floating_ip app {
droplet_id = digitalocean_droplet . app . id
region = digitalocean_droplet . app . region
resource " digitalocean_firewall " " app " {
resource digitalocean_firewall app {
name = " pghdsa-spoke-app "
droplet_ids = [ digitalocean_droplet . app . id ]
dynamic " inbound_rule " {
dynamic inbound_rule {
for_each = [ " 22 " , " 80 " , " 443 " ]
content {
protocol = " tcp "
@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ resource "digitalocean_firewall" "app" {
source_addresses = [ " " , " ::/0 " ]
dynamic " outbound_rule " {
dynamic outbound_rule {
for_each = [ " tcp " , " udp " ]
content {
protocol = outbound_rule . value
@ -183,12 +189,12 @@ resource "digitalocean_firewall" "app" {
resource " random_string " " session_secret " {
resource random_string session_secret {
length = 199
special = false
resource " random_string " " pg_password " {
resource random_string pg_password {
length = 31
@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ locals {
} , var . env )
resource " null_resource " " app_provision " {
resource null_resource app_provision {
triggers = {
droplet_id = digitalocean_droplet . app . id
provision_script_sha1 = filesha1 ( " ${ path . module } /spoke-app-provision " )
@ -236,17 +242,17 @@ resource "null_resource" "app_provision" {
host = digitalocean_droplet . app . ipv4_address
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
source = " ${ path . module } /spoke-app-provision "
destination = " /tmp/spoke-app-provision "
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
source = " ${ path . module } /spoke-app-run "
destination = " /tmp/spoke-app-run "
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
content = templatefile ( " ${ path . module } /nginx-sites-default.conf.tpl " , {
server_name = var . server_name ,
port = var . port ,
@ -254,32 +260,32 @@ resource "null_resource" "app_provision" {
destination = " /tmp/nginx-sites-default.conf "
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
content = var . cert_certificate
destination = " /tmp/spoke.crt "
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
content = var . cert_private_key
destination = " /tmp/spoke.key "
provisioner " file " {
content = < < - ENV _ TMPL
provisioner file {
content = < < - ENV TMPL
% { for key , value in local . env_map ~ }
$ { key } = ' $ { value } '
% { endfor ~ }
destination = " /tmp/app.env "
provisioner " file " {
provisioner file {
source = " ${ path . module } /spoke.service "
destination = " /tmp/spoke.service "
provisioner " remote-exec " {
provisioner remote - exec {
inline = [
" bash /tmp/spoke-app-provision system0 " ,
" sudo -H -u spoke bash /tmp/spoke-app-provision spoke0 " ,
@ -288,22 +294,22 @@ ENV_TMPL
output " droplet_urn " {
output droplet_urn {
description = " urn of the droplet suitable for adding to project resources "
value = digitalocean_droplet . app . urn
output " droplet_ipv4_address " {
output droplet_ipv4_address {
description = " ipv4 address of the droplet "
value = digitalocean_droplet . app . ipv4_address
output " floating_ip_address " {
output floating_ip_address {
description = " floating IP address assigned to the droplet suitable for creating a DNS A record "
value = digitalocean_floating_ip . app . ip_address
output " floating_ip_urn " {
output floating_ip_urn {
description = " urn of the floating IP address assigned to the droplet suitable for adding to project resources "
value = digitalocean_floating_ip . app . urn