Dan Buch bc0fc62b2f Adding some Go bits, correcting some warts
plus getting to the bottom of shell startup slowness, which appears to
be almost entirely due to rbenv.
2013-01-19 23:42:37 -05:00

30 lines
642 B

alias .bp="source $HOME/.bash_profile"
alias .sa="source $HOME/.ssh/agent.out"
alias be='bundle exec'
alias h='cat /etc/hosts'
alias hn='hostname -f'
alias i='ip addr'
alias k1='kill -9 %1'
alias la='l -a'
alias ll='l -l'
alias lla='l -la'
alias p=ipython
alias psg='pgrep -fl'
alias s="cat $HOME/.ssh/config | grep '^Host ' | sed \"s/Host //\" | sort | uniq"
alias sS='TERM=xterm screen -Rd -S '
alias scr='TERM=xterm screen -Rd'
alias sl="screen -ls"
case "$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in
alias l='ls -GF'
alias l='ls -F --color=auto'
# vim:filetype=sh