#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'slop' require File.expand_path('../earthquakes', __FILE__) def main opts = Slop.parse(:help => true, :strict => true) do banner "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]" on :l, :listall, 'List all available earthquake ids.' on :r, :listall_by_region, 'List available earthquakes by region' #on :l, :'list-by-region', 'List available earthquakes by region' #on :L, :'list-by-magnitude', 'List available earthquakes by magnitude' #on :r, :region=, 'Show earthquakes for region' #on :m, :magnitude=, 'Show earthquakes of magnitude' on :i, :eqid=, 'Show all available info for earthquake with id.' end earthquakes = Earthquakes.new if opts.listall? earthquakes.all_ids.each { |i| puts i } return 0 end if opts.listall_by_region? earthquakes.all_regions.each { |r| puts r } return 0 end puts "Earthquake with id of #{opts[:eqid]}" earthquakes.get_info(opts[:eqid]).each do |key, value| puts " #{key}: #{value}" end return 0 end if $0 == __FILE__ exit(main) end