#include #include #include #include #define HSIZE 60 #define LENGTH 75 #define WIDTH 10 #define STARTX 1 #define STARTY 5 #define STATUSX 1 #define STATUSY 25 #define KEY_F1 265 int print_menu(); void print_byebye(); void create_test_string(); void print_time(time_t startt, time_t endt, int mistakes); void print_in_middle(int startx, int starty, int width, char *string, WINDOW *win); char *groups[] = { "`123456" , "7890-=" , "~!@#$%^" , "&*()_+" , "<>?" , ",./\\" , "asdfg", "jkl;'", "qwer", "uiop", "tyur", "zxcv", "bnm", }; int n_groups; int main() { int choice, i; char *test_array; int ch = KEY_F1; int mistakes; int x, y; time_t start_t, end_t; WINDOW *typing_win; char string[80]; string[0] = '\0'; initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); srandom(time(NULL)); n_groups = sizeof(groups) / sizeof(char *); test_array = (char *)calloc(HSIZE + 1, sizeof(char)); while(1) { if(ch == KEY_F1) { choice = print_menu(); choice -= 1; if(choice == n_groups) { print_byebye(); free(test_array); endwin(); exit(0); } } clear(); strcpy(string, "Typing window"); print_in_middle(STARTX, STARTY - 2, LENGTH, string, NULL); attron(A_REVERSE); mvprintw(STATUSY, STATUSX, "Press F1 to Main Menu"); refresh(); attroff(A_REVERSE); create_test_string(test_array, choice); typing_win = newwin(WIDTH, LENGTH, STARTY, STARTX); keypad(typing_win, TRUE); intrflush(typing_win, FALSE); box(typing_win, 0, 0); x = 1; y = 1; mvwprintw(typing_win, y, x, "%s", test_array); wrefresh(typing_win); y += 1; mistakes = 0; i = 0; time(&start_t); wmove(typing_win, y, x); wrefresh(typing_win); ch = 0; while(ch != KEY_F1 && i != HSIZE + 1) { ch = wgetch(typing_win); mvwprintw(typing_win, y, x, "%c", ch); wrefresh(typing_win); ++x; if(ch == test_array[i]) { ++i; continue; } else { ++mistakes; ++i; } } time(&end_t); print_time(start_t, end_t, mistakes); } free(test_array); endwin(); return 0; } int print_menu() { int choice, i; choice = 0; while(1) { clear(); printw("\n\n"); print_in_middle(1, 1, 0, "* * * Welcome to typing practice (Version 1.0) * * * ", NULL); printw("\n\n\n"); for(i = 0;i <= n_groups - 1; ++i) printw("\t%3d: \tPractice %s\n", i + 1, groups[i]); printw("\t%3d: \tExit\n", i + 1); printw("\n\n\tChoice: "); refresh(); echo(); scanw("%d", &choice); noecho(); if(choice >= 1 && choice <= n_groups + 1) break; else { attron(A_REVERSE); mvprintw(STATUSY, STATUSX, "Wrong choice\tPress any key to continue"); attroff(A_REVERSE); getch(); } } return choice; } void create_test_string(char *test_array, int choice) { int i, index, length; length = strlen(groups[choice]); for(i = 0;i <= HSIZE - 1; ++i) { if(i%5 == 0) test_array[i] = ' '; else { index = (int)(random() % length); test_array[i] = groups[choice][index]; } } test_array[i] = '\0'; } void print_byebye() { printw("\n"); print_in_middle(0,0,0,"Thank you for using my typing tutor\n", NULL); print_in_middle(0,0,0,"Bye Bye ! ! !\n", NULL); refresh(); } void print_time(time_t start_t, time_t end_t, int mistakes) { long int diff; int h,m,s; float wpm; diff = end_t - start_t; wpm = ((HSIZE / 5)/(double)diff)*60; h = (int)(diff / 3600); diff -= h * 3600; m = (int)(diff / 60); diff -= m * 60; s = (int)diff; attron(A_REVERSE); mvprintw(STATUSY, STATUSX, "Mistakes made : %d time taken: %d:%d:%d WPM : %.2f Press any Key to continue", mistakes, h, m, s, wpm); attroff(A_REVERSE); refresh(); getch(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * startx = 0 means at present x * * starty = 0 means at present y * * win = NULL means take stdscr * * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void print_in_middle(int startx, int starty, int width, char *string, WINDOW *win) { int length, x, y; float temp; if(win == NULL) win = stdscr; getyx(win, y, x); if(startx != 0) x = startx; if(starty != 0) y = starty; if(width == 0) width = 80; length = strlen(string); temp = (width - length)/ 2; x = startx + (int)temp; mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s", string); refresh(); }