'parent_id', 'left' => 'lft', 'right' => 'rght', 'scope' => '1 = 1', 'type' => 'nested', '__parentChange' => false, 'recursive' => -1 ); /** * Initiate Tree behavior * * @param object $Model instance of model * @param array $config array of configuration settings. * @return void * @access public */ function setup(&$Model, $config = array()) { if (!is_array($config)) { $config = array('type' => $config); } $settings = array_merge($this->_defaults, $config); if (in_array($settings['scope'], $Model->getAssociated('belongsTo'))) { $data = $Model->getAssociated($settings['scope']); $parent =& $Model->{$settings['scope']}; $settings['scope'] = $Model->alias . '.' . $data['foreignKey'] . ' = ' . $parent->alias . '.' . $parent->primaryKey; $settings['recursive'] = 0; } $this->settings[$Model->alias] = $settings; } /** * After save method. Called after all saves * * Overriden to transparently manage setting the lft and rght fields if and only if the parent field is included in the * parameters to be saved. * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance. * @param boolean $created indicates whether the node just saved was created or updated * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access public */ function afterSave(&$Model, $created) { extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if ($created) { if ((isset($Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent])) && $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]) { return $this->_setParent($Model, $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent], $created); } } elseif ($__parentChange) { $this->settings[$Model->alias]['__parentChange'] = false; return $this->_setParent($Model, $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]); } } /** * Before delete method. Called before all deletes * * Will delete the current node and all children using the deleteAll method and sync the table * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @return boolean true to continue, false to abort the delete * @access public */ function beforeDelete(&$Model) { extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); list($name, $data) = array($Model->alias, $Model->read()); $data = $data[$name]; if (!$data[$right] || !$data[$left]) { return true; } $diff = $data[$right] - $data[$left] + 1; if ($diff > 2) { if (is_string($scope)) { $scope = array($scope); } $scope[]["{$Model->alias}.{$left} BETWEEN ? AND ?"] = array($data[$left] + 1, $data[$right] - 1); $Model->deleteAll($scope); } $this->__sync($Model, $diff, '-', '> ' . $data[$right]); return true; } /** * Before save method. Called before all saves * * Overriden to transparently manage setting the lft and rght fields if and only if the parent field is included in the * parameters to be saved. For newly created nodes with NO parent the left and right field values are set directly by * this method bypassing the setParent logic. * * @since 1.2 * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @return boolean true to continue, false to abort the save * @access public */ function beforeSave(&$Model) { extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); $this->_addToWhitelist($Model, array($left, $right)); if (!$Model->id) { if (array_key_exists($parent, $Model->data[$Model->alias]) && $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]) { $parentNode = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive )); if (!$parentNode) { return false; } list($parentNode) = array_values($parentNode); $Model->data[$Model->alias][$left] = 0; //$parentNode[$right]; $Model->data[$Model->alias][$right] = 0; //$parentNode[$right] + 1; } else { $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive); $Model->data[$Model->alias][$left] = $edge + 1; $Model->data[$Model->alias][$right] = $edge + 2; } } elseif (array_key_exists($parent, $Model->data[$Model->alias])) { if ($Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent] != $Model->field($parent)) { $this->settings[$Model->alias]['__parentChange'] = true; } if (!$Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]) { $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent] = null; $this->_addToWhitelist($Model, $parent); } else { $values = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope,$Model->escapeField() => $Model->id), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $parent, $left, $right ), 'recursive' => $recursive) ); if ($values === false) { return false; } list($node) = array_values($values); $parentNode = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $Model->data[$Model->alias][$parent]), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive )); if (!$parentNode) { return false; } list($parentNode) = array_values($parentNode); if (($node[$left] < $parentNode[$left]) && ($parentNode[$right] < $node[$right])) { return false; } elseif ($node[$Model->primaryKey] == $parentNode[$Model->primaryKey]) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Get the number of child nodes * * If the direct parameter is set to true, only the direct children are counted (based upon the parent_id field) * If false is passed for the id parameter, all top level nodes are counted, or all nodes are counted. * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to read or false to read all top level nodes * @param boolean $direct whether to count direct, or all, children * @return integer number of child nodes * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1347/Counting-children */ function childcount(&$Model, $id = null, $direct = false) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } if ($id === null && $Model->id) { $id = $Model->id; } elseif (!$id) { $id = null; } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if ($direct) { return $Model->find('count', array('conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($parent) => $id))); } if ($id === null) { return $Model->find('count', array('conditions' => $scope)); } elseif (isset($Model->data[$Model->alias][$left]) && isset($Model->data[$Model->alias][$right])) { $data = $Model->data[$Model->alias]; } else { $data = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $id), 'recursive' => $recursive)); if (!$data) { return 0; } $data = $data[$Model->alias]; } return ($data[$right] - $data[$left] - 1) / 2; } /** * Get the child nodes of the current model * * If the direct parameter is set to true, only the direct children are returned (based upon the parent_id field) * If false is passed for the id parameter, top level, or all (depending on direct parameter appropriate) are counted. * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to read * @param boolean $direct whether to return only the direct, or all, children * @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names * @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC") defaults to the tree order * @param integer $limit SQL LIMIT clause, for calculating items per page. * @param integer $page Page number, for accessing paged data * @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records * @return array Array of child nodes * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1346/Children */ function children(&$Model, $id = null, $direct = false, $fields = null, $order = null, $limit = null, $page = 1, $recursive = null) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } $overrideRecursive = $recursive; if ($id === null && $Model->id) { $id = $Model->id; } elseif (!$id) { $id = null; } $name = $Model->alias; extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if (!is_null($overrideRecursive)) { $recursive = $overrideRecursive; } if (!$order) { $order = $Model->alias . '.' . $left . ' asc'; } if ($direct) { $conditions = array($scope, $Model->escapeField($parent) => $id); return $Model->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'page', 'recursive')); } if (!$id) { $conditions = $scope; } else { $result = array_values((array)$Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $id), 'fields' => array($left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if (empty($result) || !isset($result[0])) { return array(); } $conditions = array($scope, $Model->escapeField($right) . ' <' => $result[0][$right], $Model->escapeField($left) . ' >' => $result[0][$left] ); } return $Model->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'page', 'recursive')); } /** * A convenience method for returning a hierarchical array used for HTML select boxes * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $conditions SQL conditions as a string or as an array('field' =>'value',...) * @param string $keyPath A string path to the key, i.e. "{n}.Post.id" * @param string $valuePath A string path to the value, i.e. "{n}.Post.title" * @param string $spacer The character or characters which will be repeated * @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records * @return array An associative array of records, where the id is the key, and the display field is the value * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1348/generatetreelist */ function generatetreelist(&$Model, $conditions = null, $keyPath = null, $valuePath = null, $spacer = '_', $recursive = null) { $overrideRecursive = $recursive; extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if (!is_null($overrideRecursive)) { $recursive = $overrideRecursive; } if ($keyPath == null && $valuePath == null && $Model->hasField($Model->displayField)) { $fields = array($Model->primaryKey, $Model->displayField, $left, $right); } else { $fields = null; } if ($keyPath == null) { $keyPath = '{n}.' . $Model->alias . '.' . $Model->primaryKey; } if ($valuePath == null) { $valuePath = array('{0}{1}', '{n}.tree_prefix', '{n}.' . $Model->alias . '.' . $Model->displayField); } elseif (is_string($valuePath)) { $valuePath = array('{0}{1}', '{n}.tree_prefix', $valuePath); } else { $valuePath[0] = '{' . (count($valuePath) - 1) . '}' . $valuePath[0]; $valuePath[] = '{n}.tree_prefix'; } $order = $Model->alias . '.' . $left . ' asc'; $results = $Model->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'recursive')); $stack = array(); foreach ($results as $i => $result) { while ($stack && ($stack[count($stack) - 1] < $result[$Model->alias][$right])) { array_pop($stack); } $results[$i]['tree_prefix'] = str_repeat($spacer,count($stack)); $stack[] = $result[$Model->alias][$right]; } if (empty($results)) { return array(); } return Set::combine($results, $keyPath, $valuePath); } /** * Get the parent node * * reads the parent id and returns this node * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to read * @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records * @return array Array of data for the parent node * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1349/getparentnode */ function getparentnode(&$Model, $id = null, $fields = null, $recursive = null) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } $overrideRecursive = $recursive; if (empty ($id)) { $id = $Model->id; } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if (!is_null($overrideRecursive)) { $recursive = $overrideRecursive; } $parentId = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($Model->primaryKey => $id), 'fields' => array($parent), 'recursive' => -1)); if ($parentId) { $parentId = $parentId[$Model->alias][$parent]; $parent = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($Model->escapeField() => $parentId), 'fields' => $fields, 'recursive' => $recursive)); return $parent; } return false; } /** * Get the path to the given node * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to read * @param mixed $fields Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names * @param integer $recursive The number of levels deep to fetch associated records * @return array Array of nodes from top most parent to current node * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1350/getpath */ function getpath(&$Model, $id = null, $fields = null, $recursive = null) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } $overrideRecursive = $recursive; if (empty ($id)) { $id = $Model->id; } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if (!is_null($overrideRecursive)) { $recursive = $overrideRecursive; } $result = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($Model->escapeField() => $id), 'fields' => array($left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive)); if ($result) { $result = array_values($result); } else { return null; } $item = $result[0]; $results = $Model->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($left) . ' <=' => $item[$left], $Model->escapeField($right) . ' >=' => $item[$right]), 'fields' => $fields, 'order' => array($Model->escapeField($left) => 'asc'), 'recursive' => $recursive )); return $results; } /** * Reorder the node without changing the parent. * * If the node is the last child, or is a top level node with no subsequent node this method will return false * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to move * @param mixed $number how many places to move the node or true to move to last position * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1352/moveDown */ function movedown(&$Model, $id = null, $number = 1) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } if (!$number) { return false; } if (empty ($id)) { $id = $Model->id; } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); list($node) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $id), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right, $parent), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if ($node[$parent]) { list($parentNode) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $node[$parent]), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if (($node[$right] + 1) == $parentNode[$right]) { return false; } } $nextNode = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($left) => ($node[$right] + 1)), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive) ); if ($nextNode) { list($nextNode) = array_values($nextNode); } else { return false; } $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $node[$left] + 1, '+', 'BETWEEN ' . $node[$left] . ' AND ' . $node[$right]); $this->__sync($Model, $nextNode[$left] - $node[$left], '-', 'BETWEEN ' . $nextNode[$left] . ' AND ' . $nextNode[$right]); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $node[$left] - ($nextNode[$right] - $nextNode[$left]), '-', '> ' . $edge); if (is_int($number)) { $number--; } if ($number) { $this->moveDown($Model, $id, $number); } return true; } /** * Reorder the node without changing the parent. * * If the node is the first child, or is a top level node with no previous node this method will return false * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to move * @param mixed $number how many places to move the node, or true to move to first position * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1353/moveUp */ function moveup(&$Model, $id = null, $number = 1) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } if (!$number) { return false; } if (empty ($id)) { $id = $Model->id; } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); list($node) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $id), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right, $parent ), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if ($node[$parent]) { list($parentNode) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $node[$parent]), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if (($node[$left] - 1) == $parentNode[$left]) { return false; } } $previousNode = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($right) => ($node[$left] - 1)), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive )); if ($previousNode) { list($previousNode) = array_values($previousNode); } else { return false; } $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $previousNode[$left] +1, '+', 'BETWEEN ' . $previousNode[$left] . ' AND ' . $previousNode[$right]); $this->__sync($Model, $node[$left] - $previousNode[$left], '-', 'BETWEEN ' .$node[$left] . ' AND ' . $node[$right]); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $previousNode[$left] - ($node[$right] - $node[$left]), '-', '> ' . $edge); if (is_int($number)) { $number--; } if ($number) { $this->moveUp($Model, $id, $number); } return true; } /** * Recover a corrupted tree * * The mode parameter is used to specify the source of info that is valid/correct. The opposite source of data * will be populated based upon that source of info. E.g. if the MPTT fields are corrupt or empty, with the $mode * 'parent' the values of the parent_id field will be used to populate the left and right fields. The missingParentAction * parameter only applies to "parent" mode and determines what to do if the parent field contains an id that is not present. * * @todo Could be written to be faster, *maybe*. Ideally using a subquery and putting all the logic burden on the DB. * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param string $mode parent or tree * @param mixed $missingParentAction 'return' to do nothing and return, 'delete' to * delete, or the id of the parent to set as the parent_id * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1628/Recover */ function recover(&$Model, $mode = 'parent', $missingParentAction = null) { if (is_array($mode)) { extract (array_merge(array('mode' => 'parent'), $mode)); } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); $Model->recursive = $recursive; if ($mode == 'parent') { $Model->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('VerifyParent' => array( 'className' => $Model->alias, 'foreignKey' => $parent, 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right, $parent), )))); $missingParents = $Model->find('list', array( 'recursive' => 0, 'conditions' => array($scope, array( 'NOT' => array($Model->escapeField($parent) => null), $Model->VerifyParent->escapeField() => null )) )); $Model->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('VerifyParent'))); if ($missingParents) { if ($missingParentAction == 'return') { foreach ($missingParents as $id => $display) { $this->errors[] = 'cannot find the parent for ' . $Model->alias . ' with id ' . $id . '(' . $display . ')'; } return false; } elseif ($missingParentAction == 'delete') { $Model->deleteAll(array($Model->primaryKey => array_flip($missingParents))); } else { $Model->updateAll(array($parent => $missingParentAction), array($Model->escapeField($Model->primaryKey) => array_flip($missingParents))); } } $count = 1; foreach ($Model->find('all', array('conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey), 'order' => $left)) as $array) { $Model->id = $array[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey]; $lft = $count++; $rght = $count++; $Model->save(array($left => $lft, $right => $rght), array('callbacks' => false)); } foreach ($Model->find('all', array('conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $parent), 'order' => $left)) as $array) { $Model->create(); $Model->id = $array[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey]; $this->_setParent($Model, $array[$Model->alias][$parent]); } } else { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig); foreach ($Model->find('all', array('conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $parent), 'order' => $left)) as $array) { $path = $this->getpath($Model, $array[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey]); if ($path == null || count($path) < 2) { $parentId = null; } else { $parentId = $path[count($path) - 2][$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey]; } $Model->updateAll(array($parent => $db->value($parentId, $parent)), array($Model->escapeField() => $array[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey])); } } return true; } /** * Reorder method. * * Reorders the nodes (and child nodes) of the tree according to the field and direction specified in the parameters. * This method does not change the parent of any node. * * Requires a valid tree, by default it verifies the tree before beginning. * * Options: * * - 'id' id of record to use as top node for reordering * - 'field' Which field to use in reordeing defaults to displayField * - 'order' Direction to order either DESC or ASC (defaults to ASC) * - 'verify' Whether or not to verify the tree before reorder. defaults to true. * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param array $options array of options to use in reordering. * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1355/reorder * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1629/Reorder */ function reorder(&$Model, $options = array()) { $options = array_merge(array('id' => null, 'field' => $Model->displayField, 'order' => 'ASC', 'verify' => true), $options); extract($options); if ($verify && !$this->verify($Model)) { return false; } $verify = false; extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); $fields = array($Model->primaryKey, $field, $left, $right); $sort = $field . ' ' . $order; $nodes = $this->children($Model, $id, true, $fields, $sort, null, null, $recursive); $cacheQueries = $Model->cacheQueries; $Model->cacheQueries = false; if ($nodes) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $id = $node[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey]; $this->moveDown($Model, $id, true); if ($node[$Model->alias][$left] != $node[$Model->alias][$right] - 1) { $this->reorder($Model, compact('id', 'field', 'order', 'verify')); } } } $Model->cacheQueries = $cacheQueries; return true; } /** * Remove the current node from the tree, and reparent all children up one level. * * If the parameter delete is false, the node will become a new top level node. Otherwise the node will be deleted * after the children are reparented. * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $id The ID of the record to remove * @param boolean $delete whether to delete the node after reparenting children (if any) * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1354/removeFromTree */ function removefromtree(&$Model, $id = null, $delete = false) { if (is_array($id)) { extract (array_merge(array('id' => null), $id)); } extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); list($node) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $id), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right, $parent), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); if ($node[$right] == $node[$left] + 1) { if ($delete) { return $Model->delete($id); } else { $Model->id = $id; return $Model->saveField($parent, null); } } elseif ($node[$parent]) { list($parentNode) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $node[$parent]), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); } else { $parentNode[$right] = $node[$right] + 1; } $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig); $Model->updateAll( array($parent => $db->value($node[$parent], $parent)), array($Model->escapeField($parent) => $node[$Model->primaryKey]) ); $this->__sync($Model, 1, '-', 'BETWEEN ' . ($node[$left] + 1) . ' AND ' . ($node[$right] - 1)); $this->__sync($Model, 2, '-', '> ' . ($node[$right])); $Model->id = $id; if ($delete) { $Model->updateAll( array( $Model->escapeField($left) => 0, $Model->escapeField($right) => 0, $Model->escapeField($parent) => null ), array($Model->escapeField() => $id) ); return $Model->delete($id); } else { $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive); if ($node[$right] == $edge) { $edge = $edge - 2; } $Model->id = $id; return $Model->save( array($left => $edge + 1, $right => $edge + 2, $parent => null), array('callbacks' => false) ); } } /** * Check if the current tree is valid. * * Returns true if the tree is valid otherwise an array of (type, incorrect left/right index, message) * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @return mixed true if the tree is valid or empty, otherwise an array of (error type [index, node], * [incorrect left/right index,node id], message) * @access public * @link http://book.cakephp.org/view/1630/Verify */ function verify(&$Model) { extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); if (!$Model->find('count', array('conditions' => $scope))) { return true; } $min = $this->__getMin($Model, $scope, $left, $recursive); $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive); $errors = array(); for ($i = $min; $i <= $edge; $i++) { $count = $Model->find('count', array('conditions' => array( $scope, 'OR' => array($Model->escapeField($left) => $i, $Model->escapeField($right) => $i) ))); if ($count != 1) { if ($count == 0) { $errors[] = array('index', $i, 'missing'); } else { $errors[] = array('index', $i, 'duplicate'); } } } $node = $Model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($right) . '< ' . $Model->escapeField($left)), 'recursive' => 0)); if ($node) { $errors[] = array('node', $node[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'left greater than right.'); } $Model->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('VerifyParent' => array( 'className' => $Model->alias, 'foreignKey' => $parent, 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right, $parent) )))); foreach ($Model->find('all', array('conditions' => $scope, 'recursive' => 0)) as $instance) { if (is_null($instance[$Model->alias][$left]) || is_null($instance[$Model->alias][$right])) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'has invalid left or right values'); } elseif ($instance[$Model->alias][$left] == $instance[$Model->alias][$right]) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'left and right values identical'); } elseif ($instance[$Model->alias][$parent]) { if (!$instance['VerifyParent'][$Model->primaryKey]) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'The parent node ' . $instance[$Model->alias][$parent] . ' doesn\'t exist'); } elseif ($instance[$Model->alias][$left] < $instance['VerifyParent'][$left]) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'left less than parent (node ' . $instance['VerifyParent'][$Model->primaryKey] . ').'); } elseif ($instance[$Model->alias][$right] > $instance['VerifyParent'][$right]) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'right greater than parent (node ' . $instance['VerifyParent'][$Model->primaryKey] . ').'); } } elseif ($Model->find('count', array('conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField($left) . ' <' => $instance[$Model->alias][$left], $Model->escapeField($right) . ' >' => $instance[$Model->alias][$right]), 'recursive' => 0))) { $errors[] = array('node', $instance[$Model->alias][$Model->primaryKey], 'The parent field is blank, but has a parent'); } } if ($errors) { return $errors; } return true; } /** * Sets the parent of the given node * * The force parameter is used to override the "don't change the parent to the current parent" logic in the event * of recovering a corrupted table, or creating new nodes. Otherwise it should always be false. In reality this * method could be private, since calling save with parent_id set also calls setParent * * @param AppModel $Model Model instance * @param mixed $parentId * @return boolean true on success, false on failure * @access protected */ function _setParent(&$Model, $parentId = null, $created = false) { extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); list($node) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $Model->id), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $parent, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); $edge = $this->__getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive, $created); if (empty ($parentId)) { $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $node[$left] + 1, '+', 'BETWEEN ' . $node[$left] . ' AND ' . $node[$right], $created); $this->__sync($Model, $node[$right] - $node[$left] + 1, '-', '> ' . $node[$left], $created); } else { $values = $Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => array($scope, $Model->escapeField() => $parentId), 'fields' => array($Model->primaryKey, $left, $right), 'recursive' => $recursive )); if ($values === false) { return false; } $parentNode = array_values($values); if (empty($parentNode) || empty($parentNode[0])) { return false; } $parentNode = $parentNode[0]; if (($Model->id == $parentId)) { return false; } elseif (($node[$left] < $parentNode[$left]) && ($parentNode[$right] < $node[$right])) { return false; } if (empty ($node[$left]) && empty ($node[$right])) { $this->__sync($Model, 2, '+', '>= ' . $parentNode[$right], $created); $result = $Model->save( array($left => $parentNode[$right], $right => $parentNode[$right] + 1, $parent => $parentId), array('validate' => false, 'callbacks' => false) ); $Model->data = $result; } else { $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $node[$left] +1, '+', 'BETWEEN ' . $node[$left] . ' AND ' . $node[$right], $created); $diff = $node[$right] - $node[$left] + 1; if ($node[$left] > $parentNode[$left]) { if ($node[$right] < $parentNode[$right]) { $this->__sync($Model, $diff, '-', 'BETWEEN ' . $node[$right] . ' AND ' . ($parentNode[$right] - 1), $created); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $parentNode[$right] + $diff + 1, '-', '> ' . $edge, $created); } else { $this->__sync($Model, $diff, '+', 'BETWEEN ' . $parentNode[$right] . ' AND ' . $node[$right], $created); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $parentNode[$right] + 1, '-', '> ' . $edge, $created); } } else { $this->__sync($Model, $diff, '-', 'BETWEEN ' . $node[$right] . ' AND ' . ($parentNode[$right] - 1), $created); $this->__sync($Model, $edge - $parentNode[$right] + $diff + 1, '-', '> ' . $edge, $created); } } } return true; } /** * get the maximum index value in the table. * * @param AppModel $Model * @param string $scope * @param string $right * @return int * @access private */ function __getMax($Model, $scope, $right, $recursive = -1, $created = false) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig); if ($created) { if (is_string($scope)) { $scope .= " AND {$Model->alias}.{$Model->primaryKey} <> "; $scope .= $db->value($Model->id, $Model->getColumnType($Model->primaryKey)); } else { $scope['NOT'][$Model->alias . '.' . $Model->primaryKey] = $Model->id; } } $name = $Model->alias . '.' . $right; list($edge) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => $db->calculate($Model, 'max', array($name, $right)), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); return (empty($edge[$right])) ? 0 : $edge[$right]; } /** * get the minimum index value in the table. * * @param AppModel $Model * @param string $scope * @param string $right * @return int * @access private */ function __getMin($Model, $scope, $left, $recursive = -1) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($Model->useDbConfig); $name = $Model->alias . '.' . $left; list($edge) = array_values($Model->find('first', array( 'conditions' => $scope, 'fields' => $db->calculate($Model, 'min', array($name, $left)), 'recursive' => $recursive ))); return (empty($edge[$left])) ? 0 : $edge[$left]; } /** * Table sync method. * * Handles table sync operations, Taking account of the behavior scope. * * @param AppModel $Model * @param integer $shift * @param string $direction * @param array $conditions * @param string $field * @access private */ function __sync(&$Model, $shift, $dir = '+', $conditions = array(), $created = false, $field = 'both') { $ModelRecursive = $Model->recursive; extract($this->settings[$Model->alias]); $Model->recursive = $recursive; if ($field == 'both') { $this->__sync($Model, $shift, $dir, $conditions, $created, $left); $field = $right; } if (is_string($conditions)) { $conditions = array("{$Model->alias}.{$field} {$conditions}"); } if (($scope != '1 = 1' && $scope !== true) && $scope) { $conditions[] = $scope; } if ($created) { $conditions['NOT'][$Model->alias . '.' . $Model->primaryKey] = $Model->id; } $Model->updateAll(array($Model->alias . '.' . $field => $Model->escapeField($field) . ' ' . $dir . ' ' . $shift), $conditions); $Model->recursive = $ModelRecursive; } }