# Makefile for building flex apps associated with # the Adobe Flex "Geting Started" tutorial at: # http://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/Flex/Getting+Started include rules.mk # sets mxmlc and compc to their respective basenames # if not overridden in command line like so: # make MXMLC=/path/to/my/mxmlc MXMLC ?= mxmlc COMPC ?= compc # define all target swf paths (which don't yet exist if # they've never been built) SWFS = $(patsubst %.mxml,%.swf,$(wildcard [0-9]*-*/*.mxml)) SWFS += $(patsubst %.mxml,%.swf,$(wildcard custom-*/*.mxml)) # glob up all component files as well, since changes to them # should also prompt rebuild COMPONENTS = $(patsubst %.mxml,%.swf,$(wildcard [0-9]*-*/*.as)) COMPONENTS += $(patsubst %.mxml,%.swf,$(wildcard custom-*/*.as)) # build all expected swf and swc files all: $(SWFS) $(COMPONENTS) # remove all swf files in the tree clean: find -name \*.swf -exec rm {} \; ; \ find -name \*.swc -exec rm {} \;