## modules to load server.modules = ( "mod_alias", "mod_compress", "mod_cgi", # "mod_rewrite", # "mod_redirect", # "mod_usertrack", # "mod_expire", # "mod_flv_streaming", # "mod_evasive" ) ## a static document-root, for virtual-hosting take look at the ## server.virtual-* options server.document-root = "__ROOT__/html" ## where to upload files to, purged daily. server.upload-dirs = ("__ROOT__/lighttpd-uploads") ## where to send error-messages to server.errorlog = "__ROOT__/lighttpd-error.log" ## files to check for if .../ is requested index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.cgi", "index.py", "index.pl", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm", "index.lighttpd.html", ) ## Use the "Content-Type" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible # mimetype.use-xattr = "enable" ## # which extensions should not be handle via static-file transfer # # .php, .pl, .fcgi are most often handled by mod_fastcgi or mod_cgi static-file.exclude-extensions = (".php", ".pl", ".fcgi") cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl", ".php" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi", ".py" => "/usr/bin/python", ) $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin/" { cgi.assign += ("" => "") } ######### Options that are good to be but not neccesary to be changed ####### ## Use ipv6 only if available. (disabled for while, check #560837) #include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/use-ipv6.pl" ## bind to port (default: 80) server.port = __HTTP_PORT__ ## bind to localhost only (default: all interfaces) server.bind = "localhost" ## error-handler for status 404 #server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.html" #server.error-handler-404 = "/error-handler.php" ## to help the rc.scripts server.pid-file = "__ROOT__/lighttpd.pid" ## ## Format: .html ## -> ..../status-404.html for 'File not found' #server.errorfile-prefix = "/var/www/" ## virtual directory listings dir-listing.encoding = "utf-8" server.dir-listing = "enable" ### only root can use these options # # chroot() to directory (default: no chroot() ) #server.chroot = "/" ## change uid to (default: don't change) # server.username = "www-data" ## change gid to (default: don't change) # server.groupname = "www-data" #### compress module compress.cache-dir = "__ROOT__/lighttpd-compress/" compress.filetype = ("text/plain", "text/html", "application/x-javascript", "text/css") #### url handling modules (rewrite, redirect, access) # url.rewrite = ( "^/$" => "/server-status" ) # url.redirect = ( "^/wishlist/(.+)" => "http://www.123.org/$1" ) #### expire module # expire.url = ( "/buggy/" => "access 2 hours", "/asdhas/" => "access plus 1 seconds 2 minutes") #### external configuration files ## mimetype mapping include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/create-mime.assign.pl" ## load enabled configuration files, ## read /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/README first # include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/include-conf-enabled.pl" # vim:filetype=lighttpd