use std::io::{self,Write}; fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let game = build_game(); println!("// you enter the zone"); loop { print!("> "); io::stdout().flush(); match game.in_battle { false => { let mut line = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut line)?; match line.trim() { "help" => { println!("// maybe try 'loc'"); }, "loc" => { println!("// you stand at ({}, {})", game.adventurer.l.x, game.adventurer.l.y); }, "step forward" => { let loc = game.adventurer.l; loc.x += 1; println!("// you step forward"); for s in game.scarers.iter() { if (loc.x, loc.y) == (s.l.x, s.l.y) { println!("// oh no it's an {}", } } }, _ => { println!("// what is this {}?", line.trim()) } } }, true => { } } }; Ok(()) } fn build_game() -> Game { Game { in_battle: false, zone: Zone { width: 4, depth: 4, }, adventurer: Adventurer { name: String::from("adv"), h: Humors { health: 1000, attack: 1, critical_pct: 10, }, l: Location { x: 0, y: 0, } }, scarers: vec![ Scarer { name: String::from("Blue Minotaur"), description: String::from("Towering half bull with flaming nostrils"), h: Humors { health: 4000, attack: 4, critical_pct: 2, }, l: Location { x: 2, y: 2, }, }, ], } } struct Humors { health: u16, attack: u8, critical_pct: u8, } struct Location { x: u8, y: u8, } struct Adventurer { name: String, h: Humors, l: Location, } struct Scarer { name: String, description: String, h: Humors, l: Location, } struct Zone { width: u8, depth: u8, } struct Game { in_battle: bool, zone: Zone, adventurer: Adventurer, scarers: Vec, }