_welcome(); $this->out('Cake Schema Shell'); $this->hr(); } /** * Override startup * * @access public */ function startup() { $name = $file = $path = $connection = $plugin = null; if (!empty($this->params['name'])) { $name = $this->params['name']; } elseif (!empty($this->args[0])) { $name = $this->params['name'] = $this->args[0]; } if (strpos($name, '.')) { list($this->params['plugin'], $splitName) = pluginSplit($name); $name = $this->params['name'] = $splitName; } if ($name) { $this->params['file'] = Inflector::underscore($name); } if (empty($this->params['file'])) { $this->params['file'] = 'schema.php'; } if (strpos($this->params['file'], '.php') === false) { $this->params['file'] .= '.php'; } $file = $this->params['file']; if (!empty($this->params['path'])) { $path = $this->params['path']; } if (!empty($this->params['connection'])) { $connection = $this->params['connection']; } if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) { $plugin = $this->params['plugin']; if (empty($name)) { $name = $plugin; } } $this->Schema =& new CakeSchema(compact('name', 'path', 'file', 'connection', 'plugin')); } /** * Override main * * @access public */ function main() { $this->help(); } /** * Read and output contents of schema object * path to read as second arg * * @access public */ function view() { $File = new File($this->Schema->path . DS . $this->params['file']); if ($File->exists()) { $this->out($File->read()); $this->_stop(); } else { $file = $this->Schema->path . DS . $this->params['file']; $this->err(sprintf(__('Schema file (%s) could not be found.', true), $file)); $this->_stop(); } } /** * Read database and Write schema object * accepts a connection as first arg or path to save as second arg * * @access public */ function generate() { $this->out(__('Generating Schema...', true)); $options = array(); if (isset($this->params['f'])) { $options = array('models' => false); } $snapshot = false; if (isset($this->args[0]) && $this->args[0] === 'snapshot') { $snapshot = true; } if (!$snapshot && file_exists($this->Schema->path . DS . $this->params['file'])) { $snapshot = true; $result = strtolower($this->in("Schema file exists.\n [O]verwrite\n [S]napshot\n [Q]uit\nWould you like to do?", array('o', 's', 'q'), 's')); if ($result === 'q') { return $this->_stop(); } if ($result === 'o') { $snapshot = false; } } $content = $this->Schema->read($options); $content['file'] = $this->params['file']; if ($snapshot === true) { $Folder =& new Folder($this->Schema->path); $result = $Folder->read(); $numToUse = false; if (isset($this->params['s'])) { $numToUse = $this->params['s']; } $count = 1; if (!empty($result[1])) { foreach ($result[1] as $file) { if (preg_match('/schema(?:[_\d]*)?\.php$/', $file)) { $count++; } } } if ($numToUse !== false) { if ($numToUse > $count) { $count = $numToUse; } } $fileName = rtrim($this->params['file'], '.php'); $content['file'] = $fileName . '_' . $count . '.php'; } if ($this->Schema->write($content)) { $this->out(sprintf(__('Schema file: %s generated', true), $content['file'])); $this->_stop(); } else { $this->err(__('Schema file: %s generated', true)); $this->_stop(); } } /** * Dump Schema object to sql file * Use the `write` param to enable and control SQL file output location. * Simply using -write will write the sql file to the same dir as the schema file. * If -write contains a full path name the file will be saved there. If -write only * contains no DS, that will be used as the file name, in the same dir as the schema file. * * @access public */ function dump() { $write = false; $Schema = $this->Schema->load(); if (!$Schema) { $this->err(__('Schema could not be loaded', true)); $this->_stop(); } if (isset($this->params['write'])) { if ($this->params['write'] == 1) { $write = Inflector::underscore($this->Schema->name); } else { $write = $this->params['write']; } } $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Schema->connection); $contents = "#" . $Schema->name . " sql generated on: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " : " . time() . "\n\n"; $contents .= $db->dropSchema($Schema) . "\n\n". $db->createSchema($Schema); if ($write) { if (strpos($write, '.sql') === false) { $write .= '.sql'; } if (strpos($write, DS) !== false) { $File =& new File($write, true); } else { $File =& new File($this->Schema->path . DS . $write, true); } if ($File->write($contents)) { $this->out(sprintf(__('SQL dump file created in %s', true), $File->pwd())); $this->_stop(); } else { $this->err(__('SQL dump could not be created', true)); $this->_stop(); } } $this->out($contents); return $contents; } /** * Run database create commands. Alias for run create. * * @return void */ function create() { list($Schema, $table) = $this->_loadSchema(); $this->__create($Schema, $table); } /** * Run database create commands. Alias for run create. * * @return void */ function update() { list($Schema, $table) = $this->_loadSchema(); $this->__update($Schema, $table); } /** * Prepares the Schema objects for database operations. * * @return void */ function _loadSchema() { $name = $plugin = null; if (isset($this->params['name'])) { $name = $this->params['name']; } if (isset($this->params['plugin'])) { $plugin = $this->params['plugin']; } if (isset($this->params['dry'])) { $this->__dry = true; $this->out(__('Performing a dry run.', true)); } $options = array('name' => $name, 'plugin' => $plugin); if (isset($this->params['s'])) { $fileName = rtrim($this->Schema->file, '.php'); $options['file'] = $fileName . '_' . $this->params['s'] . '.php'; } $Schema =& $this->Schema->load($options); if (!$Schema) { $this->err(sprintf(__('%s could not be loaded', true), $this->Schema->path . DS . $this->Schema->file)); $this->_stop(); } $table = null; if (isset($this->args[1])) { $table = $this->args[1]; } return array(&$Schema, $table); } /** * Create database from Schema object * Should be called via the run method * * @access private */ function __create(&$Schema, $table = null) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Schema->connection); $drop = $create = array(); if (!$table) { foreach ($Schema->tables as $table => $fields) { $drop[$table] = $db->dropSchema($Schema, $table); $create[$table] = $db->createSchema($Schema, $table); } } elseif (isset($Schema->tables[$table])) { $drop[$table] = $db->dropSchema($Schema, $table); $create[$table] = $db->createSchema($Schema, $table); } if (empty($drop) || empty($create)) { $this->out(__('Schema is up to date.', true)); $this->_stop(); } $this->out("\n" . __('The following table(s) will be dropped.', true)); $this->out(array_keys($drop)); if ('y' == $this->in(__('Are you sure you want to drop the table(s)?', true), array('y', 'n'), 'n')) { $this->out(__('Dropping table(s).', true)); $this->__run($drop, 'drop', $Schema); } $this->out("\n" . __('The following table(s) will be created.', true)); $this->out(array_keys($create)); if ('y' == $this->in(__('Are you sure you want to create the table(s)?', true), array('y', 'n'), 'y')) { $this->out(__('Creating table(s).', true)); $this->__run($create, 'create', $Schema); } $this->out(__('End create.', true)); } /** * Update database with Schema object * Should be called via the run method * * @access private */ function __update(&$Schema, $table = null) { $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Schema->connection); $this->out(__('Comparing Database to Schema...', true)); $options = array(); if (isset($this->params['f'])) { $options['models'] = false; } $Old = $this->Schema->read($options); $compare = $this->Schema->compare($Old, $Schema); $contents = array(); if (empty($table)) { foreach ($compare as $table => $changes) { $contents[$table] = $db->alterSchema(array($table => $changes), $table); } } elseif (isset($compare[$table])) { $contents[$table] = $db->alterSchema(array($table => $compare[$table]), $table); } if (empty($contents)) { $this->out(__('Schema is up to date.', true)); $this->_stop(); } $this->out("\n" . __('The following statements will run.', true)); $this->out(array_map('trim', $contents)); if ('y' == $this->in(__('Are you sure you want to alter the tables?', true), array('y', 'n'), 'n')) { $this->out(); $this->out(__('Updating Database...', true)); $this->__run($contents, 'update', $Schema); } $this->out(__('End update.', true)); } /** * Runs sql from __create() or __update() * * @access private */ function __run($contents, $event, &$Schema) { if (empty($contents)) { $this->err(__('Sql could not be run', true)); return; } Configure::write('debug', 2); $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Schema->connection); foreach ($contents as $table => $sql) { if (empty($sql)) { $this->out(sprintf(__('%s is up to date.', true), $table)); } else { if ($this->__dry === true) { $this->out(sprintf(__('Dry run for %s :', true), $table)); $this->out($sql); } else { if (!$Schema->before(array($event => $table))) { return false; } $error = null; if (!$db->execute($sql)) { $error = $table . ': ' . $db->lastError(); } $Schema->after(array($event => $table, 'errors' => $error)); if (!empty($error)) { $this->out($error); } else { $this->out(sprintf(__('%s updated.', true), $table)); } } } } } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $help = << ... --------------------------------------------------------------- Params: -connection set db config . uses 'default' if none is specified -path path to read and write schema.php. default path: {$this->Schema->path} -name Classname to use. If is Plugin.className, it will set the plugin and name params. -file file to read and write. default file: {$this->Schema->file} -s snapshot to use for run. -dry Perform a dry run on create + update commands. Queries will be output to window instead of executed. -f force 'generate' to create a new schema. -plugin Indicate the plugin to use. Commands: schema help shows this help message. schema view read and output contents of schema file. schema generate reads from 'connection' writes to 'path' To force generation of all tables into the schema, use the -f param. Use 'schema generate snapshot ' to generate snapshots which you can use with the -s parameter in the other operations. schema dump Dump database sql based on schema file to stdout. If you use the `-write` param is used a .sql will be generated. If `-write` is a filename, then that file name will be generate. If `-write` is a full path, the schema will be written there. schema create Drop and create tables based on schema file optional
argument can be used to create only a single table in the schema. Pass the -s param with a number to use a snapshot. Use the `-dry` param to preview the changes. schema update
Alter the tables based on schema file. Optional
parameter will only update one table. To use a snapshot pass the `-s` param with the snapshot number. To preview the changes that will be done use `-dry`. TEXT; $this->out($help); $this->_stop(); } }