273 lines
9.4 KiB
273 lines
9.4 KiB
package com.meatballhat.processing;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import processing.app.Base;
import processing.app.Preferences;
import processing.app.SketchException;
import processing.app.RunnerListener;
import processing.app.Sketch;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.mode.java.runner.*;
public class ProcessingRunner implements processing.app.RunnerListener {
static final String helpArg = "--help";
static final String preprocArg = "--preprocess";
static final String buildArg = "--build";
static final String runArg = "--run";
static final String presentArg = "--present";
static final String sketchArg = "--sketch=";
static final String outputArg = "--output=";
static final String exportAppletArg = "--export-applet";
static final String exportApplicationArg = "--export-application";
static final String platformArg = "--platform=";
static final String bitsArg = "--bits=";
static final String preferencesArg = "--preferences=";
static final int HELP = -1;
static final int PREPROCESS = 0;
static final int BUILD = 1;
static final int RUN = 2;
static final int PRESENT = 3;
static final int EXPORT_APPLET = 4;
static final int EXPORT_APPLICATION = 5;
Sketch sketch;
static public void main(String[] args) {
// Do this early so that error messages go to the console
// init the platform so that prefs and other native code is ready to go
// make sure a full JDK is installed
// run static initialization that grabs all the prefs
// launch command line handler
new ProcessingRunner(args);
public ProcessingRunner(String[] args) {
String sketchFolder = null;
String pdePath = null; // path to the .pde file
String outputPath = null;
String preferencesPath = null;
int platformIndex = PApplet.platform; // default to this platform
int platformBits = 0;
int mode = HELP;
for (String arg : args) {
if (arg.length() == 0) {
// ignore it, just the crappy shell script
} else if (arg.equals(helpArg)) {
// mode already set to HELP
} else if (arg.equals(buildArg)) {
mode = BUILD;
} else if (arg.equals(runArg)) {
mode = RUN;
} else if (arg.equals(presentArg)) {
mode = PRESENT;
} else if (arg.equals(preprocArg)) {
} else if (arg.equals(exportAppletArg)) {
} else if (arg.equals(exportApplicationArg)) {
} else if (arg.startsWith(platformArg)) {
String platformStr = arg.substring(platformArg.length());
platformIndex = Base.getPlatformIndex(platformStr);
if (platformIndex == -1) {
complainAndQuit(platformStr + " should instead be " +
"'windows', 'macosx', or 'linux'.");
} else if (arg.startsWith(sketchArg)) {
sketchFolder = arg.substring(sketchArg.length());
File sketchy = new File(sketchFolder);
File pdeFile = new File(sketchy, sketchy.getName() + ".pde");
pdePath = pdeFile.getAbsolutePath();
} else if (arg.startsWith(preferencesArg)) {
preferencesPath = arg.substring(preferencesArg.length());
} else if (arg.startsWith(outputArg)) {
outputPath = arg.substring(outputArg.length());
} else {
complainAndQuit("I don't know anything about " + arg + ".");
if ((outputPath == null) &&
(mode == PREPROCESS || mode == BUILD ||
mode == RUN || mode == PRESENT)) {
complainAndQuit("An output path must be specified when using " +
preprocArg + ", " + buildArg + ", " +
runArg + ", or " + presentArg + ".");
if (mode == HELP) {
// --present --platform=windows "--sketch=/Applications/Processing 0148/examples/Basics/Arrays/Array" --output=test-build
File outputFolder = new File(outputPath);
if (!outputFolder.exists()) {
if (!outputFolder.mkdirs()) {
complainAndQuit("Could not create the output folder.");
// run static initialization that grabs all the prefs
// (also pass in a prefs path if that was specified)
if (sketchFolder == null) {
complainAndQuit("No sketch path specified.");
} else if (outputPath.equals(pdePath)) {
complainAndQuit("The sketch path and output path cannot be identical.");
} else if (!pdePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pde")) {
complainAndQuit("Sketch path must point to the main .pde file.");
} else {
//Sketch sketch = null;
boolean success = false;
try {
sketch = new Sketch(null, pdePath);
if (mode == PREPROCESS) {
success = true; // FIXME sketch.preprocess(new File(outputPath)) != null;
} else if (mode == BUILD) {
success = true; // FIXME sketch.build(outputPath) != null;
} else if (mode == RUN || mode == PRESENT) {
String className = "BUSTED"; // FIXME sketch.build(outputPath);
if (className != null) {
success = true;
Runner runner = new Runner(null, null); // FIXME new Runner(this, sketch);
runner.launch(true); // FIXME runner.launch(className, mode == PRESENT);
} else {
success = false;
} else if (mode == EXPORT_APPLET) {
if (outputPath != null) {
success = true; // FIXME sketch.exportApplet(outputPath);
} else {
String target = sketchFolder + File.separatorChar + "applet";
success = true; // FIXME sketch.exportApplet(target);
} else if (mode == EXPORT_APPLICATION) {
if (outputPath != null) {
success = true; // FIXME sketch.exportApplication(outputPath, platformIndex, platformBits);
} else {
//String sketchFolder =
// pdePath.substring(0, pdePath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar));
outputPath =
sketchFolder + File.separatorChar +
"application." + Base.getPlatformName(platformIndex);
success = true; // FIXME sketch.exportApplication(outputPath, platformIndex, platformBits);
System.exit(success ? 0 : 1);
} catch (SketchException re) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void statusNotice(String message) {
public void statusError(String message) {
public void statusError(Exception exception) {
if (exception instanceof SketchException) {
SketchException re = (SketchException) exception;
// format the runner exception like emacs
//blah.java:2:10:2:13: Syntax Error: This is a big error message
String filename = sketch.getCode(re.getCodeIndex()).getFileName();
int line = re.getCodeLine();
int column = re.getCodeColumn();
if (column == -1) column = 0;
// TODO if column not specified, should just select the whole line.
System.err.println(filename + ":" +
line + ":" + column + ":" +
line + ":" + column + ":" + " " + re.getMessage());
} else {
static void complainAndQuit(String lastWords) {
static void printCommandLine(PrintStream out) {
out.println("Processing " + Base.VERSION_NAME + " rocks the console.");
out.println("--help Show this help text.");
out.println("--sketch=<name> Specify the sketch folder (required)");
out.println("--output=<name> Specify the output folder (required and");
out.println(" cannot be the same as the sketch folder.)");
out.println("--preprocess Preprocess a sketch into .java files.");
out.println("--build Preprocess and compile a sketch into .class files.");
out.println("--run Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch.");
out.println("--present Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch full screen.");
out.println("--export-applet Export an applet.");
out.println("--export-application Export an application.");
out.println("--platform Specify the platform (export to application only).");
out.println(" Should be one of 'windows', 'macosx', or 'linux'.");
out.println("--bits Must be specified if libraries are used that are");
out.println(" 32- or 64-bit specific such as the OpenGL library.");
out.println(" Otherwise specify 0 or leave it out.");
out.println("--preferences=<file> Specify a preferences file to use. Required if the");
out.println(" sketch uses libraries found in your sketchbook folder.");
public void startIndeterminate() {
public void stopIndeterminate() {
public void statusHalt() {
public boolean isHalted() {
return false;