You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
2.6 KiB

package argh
const (
OneOrMoreValue NValue = -2
ZeroOrMoreValue NValue = -1
ZeroValue NValue = 0
var (
zeroValuePtr = func() *NValue {
v := ZeroValue
return &v
type NValue int
func (nv NValue) Required() bool {
if nv == OneOrMoreValue {
return true
return int(nv) >= 1
func (nv NValue) Contains(i int) bool {
tracef("NValue.Contains(%v)", i)
if i < int(ZeroValue) {
return false
if nv == OneOrMoreValue || nv == ZeroOrMoreValue {
return true
return int(nv) > i
type ParserConfig struct {
Prog *CommandConfig
ScannerConfig *ScannerConfig
type ParserOption func(*ParserConfig)
func NewParserConfig(opts ...ParserOption) *ParserConfig {
pCfg := &ParserConfig{}
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt != nil {
if pCfg.Prog == nil {
pCfg.Prog = &CommandConfig{}
if pCfg.ScannerConfig == nil {
pCfg.ScannerConfig = POSIXyScannerConfig
return pCfg
type CommandConfig struct {
NValue NValue
ValueNames []string
Flags *Flags
Commands *Commands
On func(CommandFlag)
func (cCfg *CommandConfig) init() {
if cCfg.ValueNames == nil {
cCfg.ValueNames = []string{}
if cCfg.Flags == nil {
cCfg.Flags = &Flags{}
if cCfg.Commands == nil {
cCfg.Commands = &Commands{}
func (cCfg *CommandConfig) GetCommandConfig(name string) (CommandConfig, bool) {
tracef("CommandConfig.GetCommandConfig(%q)", name)
if cCfg.Commands == nil {
cCfg.Commands = &Commands{Map: map[string]CommandConfig{}}
return cCfg.Commands.Get(name)
func (cCfg *CommandConfig) GetFlagConfig(name string) (FlagConfig, bool) {
tracef("CommandConfig.GetFlagConfig(%q)", name)
if cCfg.Flags == nil {
cCfg.Flags = &Flags{Map: map[string]FlagConfig{}}
return cCfg.Flags.Get(name)
type FlagConfig struct {
NValue NValue
Persist bool
ValueNames []string
On func(CommandFlag)
type Flags struct {
Parent *Flags
Map map[string]FlagConfig
Automatic bool
func (fl *Flags) Get(name string) (FlagConfig, bool) {
tracef("Flags.Get(%q)", name)
if fl.Map == nil {
fl.Map = map[string]FlagConfig{}
flCfg, ok := fl.Map[name]
if !ok {
if fl.Automatic {
return FlagConfig{}, true
if fl.Parent != nil {
flCfg, ok = fl.Parent.Get(name)
return flCfg, ok && flCfg.Persist
return flCfg, ok
type Commands struct {
Map map[string]CommandConfig
func (cmd *Commands) Get(name string) (CommandConfig, bool) {
tracef("Commands.Get(%q)", name)
if cmd.Map == nil {
cmd.Map = map[string]CommandConfig{}
cmdCfg, ok := cmd.Map[name]
return cmdCfg, ok