//go:generate stringer -type Token package argh import "fmt" const ( ILLEGAL Token = iota EOL EMPTY // '' BS // ' ' '\t' '\n' IDENT // char group without flag prefix: 'some' 'words' ARG_DELIMITER // rune(0) ASSIGN // '=' MULTI_VALUE_DELIMITER // ',' LONG_FLAG // char group with double flag prefix: '--flag' SHORT_FLAG // single char with single flag prefix: '-f' COMPOUND_SHORT_FLAG // char group with single flag prefix: '-flag' STDIN_FLAG // '-' STOP_FLAG // '--' ) type Token int // Position is adapted from go/token.Position type Position struct { Column int } func (p *Position) IsValid() bool { return p.Column > 0 } func (p Position) String() string { s := "" if p.IsValid() { s = fmt.Sprintf("%d", p.Column) } if s == "" { s = "-" } return s } // Pos is borrowed from go/token.Pos type Pos int const NoPos Pos = 0 func (p Pos) IsValid() bool { return p != NoPos }